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I could go on and on about the character that best exemplifies me on a personal scale: the dark-haired male Breton spellsword, noble in spirit, refined in character and a sucker for the ladies. Problem is, I have absolutely no fun playing the guy.


Then there's her. The young blond Imperial wearing leather accompaniments to her Cheydinhal guards' uniform, handy with both bow and sword and an absolute idiot when it comes to all things magical. She's frisky, an absolute blast at parties and is a purveyor of fine, dry humour.


She's also a half-insane killer...


...And, in spirit if not in actual flesh, the favorite daughter of the Night Mother.


Evil has many masks, none more pervasive than that of innocent beauty.


Orc Murderer in the Hunter's Run: (seeing his two companions' eviscerated corpses hanging from the ceiling) Mephala, save us!


Cassie: I'm sorry, Mephala isn't in the office right now. But if you leave your name and a brief message, I'm sure she'll visit the shallow, unmarked grave that I'll deposit most of your body in...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Flithor

Gender: Male

Race: Mystic Elf

Birthsign: The Mage

Class: Soul Hunter (custom stealth-magic)

Level: 48


Assassin's Blade (Assassin's Blade mod)

Assassin's Bow (enchanted Bow of Daedric Blood from Nicoroshi)

Ebony Arrows (looks better with my robe than glass or daedric)


Draconian Madstone (I stole it back after giving it to the countess :P )

Feet and Talons of the Eternal Dragon (Eternal Dragon Armor mod)

Mundane Ring (thank you Raven Camoran ;D )

Ring of Namira (artifact of Namira southeast of Bruma)

Robe of Nu-Mantia (robe from the Servant of the Dawn mod)

Spell Breaker (Daedric artifact of Peryite on the south shore of the Silverfish River)

Wings of the Fallen Angel (enchanted Dark Angel wings from Alexander's Wings mod)

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Name: Pelinal Whitestrake (He suckered me in after playing KotN)

Race : Imperial

Class: Crusader

Sign : The Thief

Level : 24

Armor : Armor of the Divine Crusader

Weapon : Mace of Zenithar/ Sword of the Crusader


Edit : Added screenshots now hopefully




[url=<img src="http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/8494/pelinalwhitestrake1xp0.png" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"/>]

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Name: Bernadette

Race: Breton

Sign: The Mage

Class: Traveller

Level: 2

Skill: too soon to tell

Armor: leather so far

Weapon: Bow, Shortsword, Poisons, Magicka


Bernadette has only been free in Cyrodiil a few weeks. She has a Breton's native talent for magicka but hasn't learned any powerful spells yet. Her archery and blade skills need work but she's getting lots of practice.


I'm using the OOO mod this time through. Bernadette has to stay close to the cities and roads right now. The enemies are too strong in areas the Legion doesn't patrol. I'm starting her out as a balanced character but I'm not sure how she will turn out.


in armor


in the Guild hall

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  • 1 month later...

Casandra Serein, Version 3.0


Race: Imperial

Class: Ranger (Stealth, Light-Armor with Bow and Sword)

Level: 3 (started yesterday)

Favored Skill: Acrobatics (you've got to start think vertically if you want an edge)

Armor: Cheydinhal Lieutenant's uniform (Cheydinhal cuirass, but Leather gauntlets/boots/greaves instead of Chainmail)

Weapon: Fine Steel bow, Iron arrows, and Steel Claymore (they fit best in the look of the uniform)


Watching The Lord of the Rings yesterday inspired me to start up a male Imperial as a Ranger cut from the same cloth as Aragorn. Then I realized that I had no desire staring at this fellow's backside for 200+ hours, so I took the same idea and applied it to my old "Save 1" file on Cassie-the-Assassin (the first gamesave I made on the char, right before exiting the Imperial Prison Sewer pipe). The result is brand-new Cassie, (slightly) nobler in heart and with a greater affinity for the wilderness.


Straight to Cheydinhal she goes— but she's not allowed to steal herself a guard's uniform this time. The only other viable means to get one was to prize the armor off Ulrich Leland after he became rat food. Ulrich has no shield, however, and since Cassie can't nab one, she'll just have to do without. As a result, she's no longer inclined towards one-handed weaponry: bow and two-handed swords are her staples now.


Off-duty, she'll regain her favorite set of threads: a Red Velvet Outfit carrying a Feather enchantment and Green Velvet Shoes with a Water Walking enchantment (A 'Gown with a Thousand Pockets' and a pair of 'Bewitching Slippers', as they were). Once she gets her Cheydinhal home (again), she'll prop a skull and a pumpkin on the wall beside the front gate, and put that human heart and poisoned apple back on her nightstand.


Basically, her first job will be to fully explore, and then secure, all of County Cheydinhal before moving on to quest in other regions. Only other places she's been (or will visit any time soon) are the Imperial City (shopping sprees) and Bruma (fencing goods to Ongar).

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My most Recent Argonian joke character.

Name: Needs-New-Material

Class: Comedian (Speechcraft, mercantie, Illusion [for creating the illusion that i'm funny])

Level: 2

Armor: Sheogoraths Regalia, modified to be green and red for the 'jester' affect.

Weapon: Witty Humor and stale hommus.

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Name: Aenea de Soya

Race: Breton

Class: Silent Scholar (custom) (Magic, Endurance, Luck)

Level: 19

Combat mode: Sneak, Marksman, Destruction for melee

Favorite Weapon: Samson the Sentient Bow, Ruins Edge

Armor: Light (Morag Tong Armor, Shadow Mail)

Spells: Alteration, Destruction, Conjuration

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Race: Imperial

Class: Custom Crusader (Armorer, Athletics, Blade, Block, Heavy Armor, Restoration, Speachcraft)

Level: 4

Favored Skill: Heavy Armor

Armor: Grand Crusader's Armor

Weapon: Grand Crusader's Sword


I've got a Dunmer Assassin wearing Black Hand gear and wielding the Blade of Woe as well.

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