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A basic question about vampire mods


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I've done some pretty heavy searching of the Nexus download pages for a vampire mod that just does some very simple things, but all of the ones I've run across so far do a lot more than I'm actually looking for.


ALL I really am looking for is a mod that does the following:


- doesn't make the character wrinkly when they are a vampire (I can accept eye changes and a little facial change but not much)


- prevents any lasting effects to the face after the character is cured


- doesn't make being a vampire any more complicated than it already is


If someone can help point me to one that does these things with a minimum of other changes, that would be great. I want my current character to possibly become a vampire, but I don't want them to suffer long term facial damage...I want something that will let them return to completely normal after cured.

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Vampire Race Disabler has worked well for me and frequently I don't even have to load the "mortal" savegame first to avoid face bugs. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15697

That's about as simple as I can suggest. With this mod only, the mechanics of vampirism aren't changed from vanilla. You can choose which aspects of vampirism will show. (ie eyes, aging, facial features)


Currently I'm also using a revised version of Scorn's Vampirism and so far it's pretty good - no face bugs provided your savegames are made with vampirism hidden. It does give you LOTS of spells and powers however. It's probably the closest I've come to an Unholy Darkness style mod without (unwanted in my case) added quests.

Edited by SavageArtistry
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Thanks, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. This was pretty much exactly what I was looking for. Corrine is by far the least hideous vampire I've had yet. The only thing I could otherwise ask for is the ability to see her fangs, but none of the fang morphs I found seemed to work with the fixes I want in place. No biggie...


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Just an update...I actually downloaded the Nature of the Beast beta and I've really enjoyed it. I always thought vampires should have the classic Brahm Stoker approved powers and weaknesses, and the mod adds just that. I haven't quite figured out what disctates how powerful I am but I think I have it set to where feeding gives me more power. I like that Corrine can conceal her vampire eyes temporarily using one of her powers.
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Okay, when something seems to be too good to be true, I just have to ask...


I've been using the Nature of the Beast vampirism mod for about two days now, and aside from a couple times when my ability menu didn't pop up (which I'm not positive didn't have something to do with me not being powerful enough to use the abilities), it's run perfectly. Flying over Cyrodiil as a bat, escaping guards as ethereal mist, concealing my vampire identity when and if I choose to do so...it's been a ton of fun. So why is it that the mod seems to have a pretty small amount of feedback on the Nexus page for it, and I've never heard of it aside from doing some extensive searching on my own. Does it have issues I haven't run into yet, or are there just mods out there with other changes people like better?

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Huh. I can't answer the question with any reasonable surety, but I can take a guess. And the guess is that most people who look for vampire mods are not looking for traditional Bram Stoker. They want sexy Twilight vampires. I mean... not Twilight vampires exactly, that's more a teenage girl thing, but they want vampire mods that add cool powerful sexy abilities, and remove all the weaknesses. Mods that are a conglomeration of the coolest aspects of all the different vampire lore out there -- and there's a lot of it.


Traditional Stoker vampires have some neat aspects, but on the whole if I had to be a vampire, I'd definitely choose a different lore. I'd want to be as cool and sexy as possible, duh! I mean, IRL. For Oblivion, I'm with you -- if my character were a vampire I'd go traditional. As a matter of fact, I'm going to download Nature of the Beast and check it out thanks to your recommendation. I've honestly never played a vampire in Oblivion and the main reason is that Oblivion vampires sort of suck. No pun intended. I've looked at various vampire mods but they're all of the sort I described; complicated things that add powers I've never heard of and seem to involve very few negatives. I didn't know there was a mod that lets you go the Stoker route or I'd have been all over it before now.


Edit: Actually, 171 endorsements and 707 comments is pretty high praise for a mod around here. I don't know why you hadn't heard of it... I hadn't either, but I doubt I could name ANY popular vampire mods. We'd have to hear from people who always play as vampires or have done so frequently, and are more familiar with the well-known mods for it. Is this one of the more popular vamp mods out there?

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I guess there are actually quite a few comments on the mod, I'm just more surprised it's not one i'd heard about before. It's funny that the younger generation tends to think traditional vampires were supposed to be ugly. Max Shreck's Nostferatu was pretty fugly, but the original Dracula was supposed to appear attractive when in public. The old black and white Dracula was supposed to be attractive in a dignified way, but not by today's standards. My vampiress pictured above isn't necessarily God's gift to vampire loving men, but she's retained her original features which was the goal, even with this mod.
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Hmm, I'd never heard of Nature of the Beast until you mentioned it. It's also possible I saw it and dismissed it because it was still in beta. I'd like to try it but after restarting my character about 6 times due to trying various vampire mods that mess up after a few hours, I think I'll stick with what I have for now. Maybe I'll try Nature of the Beast on my next playthrough.


By the way, if you're using a custom race, you can find some really awesome fangs to add to your race in this mod. (I mean for personal use of course.) http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35893



Edited by SavageArtistry
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They look cool although I don't quite get how you add the fans from the mod. I use that mod that disables the vanilla vampire appearance in the ini and I don't see any fangs at all. I did download that companion file you mentioned, and I do see a folder for fangs in there, but I don't know how to apply them to my existing character. Is that doable?


I was worried when I saw NOTB was beta too, but it sounds like the author just wanted to leave the option of adding to it open. I'll let you all know how it goes with the mod.


Oh, and by the way, Corrine is a custom race...sort of. She uses a variation on the regular Breton that was used for a single character in a mod I played, she has no dialogue or anything if you clone yourself and try to talk to her, and Valen Dreth won't speak to you if you start the game as her race...

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