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Arrow of Extrication glitch ?


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Hihoo :)


I've noticed a duplication glitch with the Arrow of extrication during the Ultimate heist quest :


Standing on the platform and firing the only arrow of Extrication I have on the hole of the statue , and moving of the platform (few meters away)

triggers a message like : "Not the time/place to equip the Arrow of Extrication" ... and there's still one in the inventory :thumbsup:

.... I run to the statue to grab the one I fired ... I have 2 now in my inventory :tongue:

I return to the platform to shoot once more (purposely missing the hole) ... move a few meters again ... same message as before .... and I have 4 now appearing in my inventory :biggrin:

I grab the one at the foot of statue .... makes it 5 ...


That's where I stopped and continued the Heist quest .... but I guess this can be reproduced exponentially .


Useless .... but for the "collectors" , it can be fun to try .

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Weird. I made the shot the first time without issue, but there's been one in my inventory ever since. It's kind of annoying but I've never bothered to get rid of it (although it would be pretty easy with proper console commands).
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you clearly have a mod causing this




the game provided glitch on the arrow of extrication


is that you have exactly one chance with this arrow


the script locks up and you never get a chance to fire a second time.

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Hmm ... could be ... though i only use cosmetics mod's (LOD , Max Tael , bodyreplacer + all official DLC's)

I had once an issue with hair mod making Breton voices dissappear :wallbash: .


Strange things happen in Oblivion :teehee:


Weird....but there's been one in my inventory ever since. It's kind of annoying but I've never bothered to get rid of it (although it would be pretty easy with proper console commands).


I think that's the same thing .... that's how I noticed it .

I had a savegame just before going on platform & fire the arrow , and when I missed (went like oh s**t) and went of the platform(still same savegame), got the "cannot equip"-message , I opened by mistake my inventory instead of reloading ...and was surprised to see it still in there ... so I went to the still-locked statue and saw the "missed" arrow on the floor , grabbed it , seeing 2 arrows now in my inv.


My guess is that most players start the same way (savegame--fire--miss--direct reload etc.... until success ), but they maybe don't leave the platform until the statue is opened ...So they don't get that "cannot equip"-message "...

I think it works only if leaving the platform right after firing the arrow .

And of course the "well aimed arrow" that opens statue/door disappears .


Maybe did you get off the platform somehow for a second just after firing well your arrow ? before it hits the hole..???


After I completed the Ultimate Heist quest , they lost their Quest-Item tag & can be removed from inventory ... the 4 arrows of Extrication I duplicated are in a display case in Rosethorn Hall , with the Gray Cowl :thumbsup:


Edit Addenum : Forgot to say that no console was involved here :happy:

Edited by Remcoz
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