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Oblivion pose problem


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My pose mods decided to be a little nasty and have their own personality so they've stopped working.Yestarday, they worked just fine. Today, none's working.

When I try to add a pose a message shows up " Ct Pick Idle Added".

Pose mods that I use:

- Actors in charge

- OSR poses translated

- Pose Thumbnail Poses

- CTAddPose OTpair2


Animation I use :

- DMC Stylish - Animation Replacer

- Silver Ranger.


I tried to install all the pose mods again and they are last in my load order . I also use Oblivion mod manager and it hasn't detected any problem.

Anyone had the same problem or knows what should I do?

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You say yesterday they worked, and today they don't. So what changes have you made (any whatsoever) to the game since then?
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None, except for a complete uninstall? I am unclear on what you mean: were the pose mods working after you installed in another folder?
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Ok, well you've already tried the advice that VictoriaG gave you, so I suggest you remove the Moonshadow Elves - Sc.esp and replace it with the Moonshadow Elves - NoSc.esp version, that is assuming you want rid of the effect for good.
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I don't have any of the Moonshadow esps activated since my character Aerith is based on a customized Moonshadow Elf without special script. ( i used the textures and meshes but made a new esp and a new race) Edited by Kjkirimi
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Now you tell us! Well that changes everything, because only you know what changes and customizations you have made, and whether any of the scripts are broken.
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