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General questions about forums Lingo.

Adrian Laguna

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I know that spaming is forbiden in these forums, but what exactly is spam?

I gather from reading forum posts that "flames" are insults, correct?

What does IIRC mean?

What does BTW mean?



I may sound rather dumb asking these questions but quite honestly I prefer proper english, while every body else can write how they want at least give me a translation book or something.

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This is the main stuff that I look for that I class as SPAM.


Posting "one liners" is a no brainer. We call it SPAM. If you are going to reply MAKE sure you have something NEW to add to the thread. If not do not answer.


"Necromancy" is the name giving to the art of reviving dead threads. A thread that has no posts in for over 2 weeks and it SEEMS as though it has been "closed" as in disscusion over etc..DO NOT POST IN IT. UNLESS you have ground breaking information/opinions that change the discussion completley.


ANYTHING that breaks the TOS guidlines/rules. I implore EVERYONE to read the TOS and study it. Break one of the rules and thats IMHO considered to be SPAM.


/These examples are the honest opnion of HeLLL they do not reflect any other moderator/admins view or the view of Morroiwnd Source.


EDIT: moving this to Off-Topic.

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Add IMO - In my opinion (or in HeLLL's case IMHO giving us his 'humble' opinion, though I'm not quite sure I believe in the humble bit yet.)


Also I use ITRW for 'in the real world' but thats just me.

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