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I am more then a little upset. I took time to change some ini files trying to get my system with all the mods I have working without the infamous CTDs. Once it was done, I uploaded it to the Nexus. I felt that there are many other files here which use or make changes to the ini files so it must be acceptable to do.... as long as you warn others to backup their files before putting in the new files.


So I log into the website and got this:


One of your files has been removed

Issued at 14:02, 20 May 2015 by micalov A member of our staff has removed your Graphics Patch file for the following reason: INI file is not a mod.

You have received an informal warning.

Before you can start using the Nexus sites again you must confirm that you have read and accepted our Terms of Service again


I see that some rules pertain to some members and not to others. I am not going to re-read the Terms of Service. There are a few other uploads by other people which have been on the Nexus for at least a year, and they have not been removed , deleted or warned. If you don't believe it, here are just some of them:


SSME - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50305/?
Is a DLL file and ini file fix.

Fix for CTDs & Missing Textures - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4192/?
ini file changes.

CTD & Memory patch ENBoost - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38649/?
more ini file changes.

Skyrim Stability Guide - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50244/?
the old version was an ini file change and is still available.



Here is my observation:


My file was deleted and I was given a warning by a staff member and in order to continue using the website, I have to re-read the Terms of Service and agree to them again.


So, I have to re-read the Terms of Service agreement and promise to follow them before I will be allowed to continue using the Nexus. Well, I won't re-read the T.O.S. nor promise to follow the T.O.S. again. I have done that once already. But I will make this promise:


I Promise that I will not support or purchase any premium (whether 1 day or lifetime) based on staff member micalov's decision to delete my file adhereing me to some rule in his mind that appearently does not pertain to every other member. Furthermore, I Promise that I will not re-read the T.O.S.agreement again and check the box again saying that I agree to it. I have done it once and once is enough.

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It's ironic. You say you've read the terms of service, but if you'd actually read the terms of service you'd have seen this:


File removal, reports, complaints and feedback

Complaints against actions or staff
If you make yourself a nuisance to the staff its very likely you’ll be forcibly removed from the site. The moderation team have a right to do their job without being questioned at every corner and being told theyre doing their job wrong. If you complain publicly about moderator actions without due course (e.g. because your opinion of what is or isn't acceptable is not inline with our opinion of what is and isn't acceptable) its likely you’ll either be warned or banned depending on the manner of your complaint.

In cases where you believe a wrong decision has been made you should use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the forums to submit a report to the site owner. You must include as much evidence as possible in your report along with any original evidence, unedited. If you edit any content that has been removed from the site to make your position more favourable then you’ll be banned on the spot. We regularly retain removed files, images and comments for evidence and we will know if you’ve changed anything.
In cases where you believe you have been mistreated by staff you should use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the forums and submit a report to the site owner. You must include all logs of your conversation(s) with the member of staff, unedited (e.g. dont just pick and choose lines you feel were unfair, include ALL communication). Editing the logs or sugar picking select quotes instead of providing the entire log of the conversation will result in severe action.

Removal of content
The staff reserves the right to remove, with or without notice, any content at any time. If a violation of theses terms and service and rules has occurred based on the judgement of the moderation staff (and only the judgement of the moderation staff, not your own) action can be taken against the uploader in the form of an informal warning, formal warning or a ban when warranted.

The "others are doing it" excuse
A long running rule of thumb on the Nexus sites is that the ‘this user has done it so why can't I?’ excuse is NOT an acceptable excuse. Our moderation relies on users of this site to report content that is not acceptable so we can take action accordingly. We do not individually review every file or image that is uploaded to our servers. As such if content breaks our rules and we don't see it and no one reports that content then that content shall remain in our database until such time as we do see it and take appropriate action. Therefore if you see content that you think has broken our rules that does NOT mean we have endorsed that content and think it is acceptable. It does NOT mean you can upload similar content. We moderate content based on what is contained only within your file or image and your file or image alone. We do not take into account what other people have uploaded. If you get caught driving 90 miles an hour in a 70 miles an hour zone you cannot argue that you saw others driving at 90 and that you should receive no punishment because of this. We moderate based on the same principle.



Which pretty much covers your main complaint (that others are doing it so why can't I?) and what you should do if you have a complaint. Hint: It's not to post a thread on the forums about it.


Talking about why your file was removed specifically I don't really know. Micalov references the mod database being for mods but seems to be forgetting we don't have a "mod database", we have a "file database" of which mods, as well as lots of others things outside of the scope of mods, are a part. Perhaps he can clear that up when he sees this since you were given an informal, non-public warning and you've now decided to make it public, against the TOS you say you've read...perhaps you need to rethink whether you need to read it again considering you've already broken it here?

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Firstly pretty much all those mods near enough are INI files for other programs not the default game INI which will need to be tailored to each person since when the game first launches it sets unique settings dependent on your hardware etc and others can break the game.



You sent me a PM about this and then with in maybe 30 minutes came in chat demanding I read your mod and remove the informal warning and I said asked you not to tell me what to do.


This is not the best way for me to rush and check it, l have other things to do as well and then instantly demanded that you would not buy premium if its not reinstated and left in a huff while I was getting something to eat for 5 minutes and instantly go and make another whining forum thread.


Well sorry I am not here to wait on you hand and foot at a split second notice.


EDIT: lets also not forget the PM spam sent demanding it multiple times to......




@Dark0ne yer sorry more just bad terminology mods/files etc, the file removal was for uploading a default INI generated for there system with a few changes made.

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You can access the support ticket system #42164 to view the status. I am done using these forums, chat, and website to upload anything. Steam will get my mods from now on (and my support).


Have a good day.

Edited by VampireCeleste
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