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Well, two million... that's different. I don't know though, I just was wondering if there have been days ban free.

You still have not answered the question posed to you. What is your point? What are you getting at?


You can answer your own question just as well as any of the staff by simply doing your own research. You are in the correct forum (the rules forum) and can search through the ban notices just as well as anyone else.


With anywhere around 1,000 to 1,500 registrations per day, one or two bans a day is remarkably low.

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What I'm getting at was a merely inquisitive question. I am not questioning staff or complaining, I merely wish to know for statistic purposes if a day has been ban free. I mean, this forum has been up for years, it's a lot of sifting... I just was curious, is all.
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it's a lot of sifting... I just was curious, is all.

That is your prerogative, however, I don't think you'll find a staff member that wants to do all that sifting for no good reason. I could be wrong but I certainly am not that bored and we certainly don't keep that kind of data handy. If you find such a day, I am sure it is because no moderator was on the site that day. Good luck hunting.

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Actually, I can remember seeing several days with no bans. I noticed because it is rare.


Many of our bans are for things like spam bots. The most common ban is for plain stupidity - not reading the terms of service and then expecting (or demanding) :facepalm: us to tolerate the kind of behavior seen on something awful or similar sites. Beating up on the mod makers is a sure way to see to it that they don't make any more mods. AND that other mod makers who see us allowing attacks on mod makers don't bother to share their mods.


Piracy is another one. For some reason certain people assume that because we are a gaming site we MUST support pirates. Instead we prefer support the game makers who spend their money to make these games with the expectation that people will buy them so they can make their money back - hopefully with a little profit so they can make another one. :thumbsup: While pirates steal from the people who do the actual work, and then plead just stealing a game doesn't hurt anyone. :verymad: How about I steal your computer, just taking one computer isn't going to matter is it? Besides, you can afford another one and I don't have the money to buy one right now. :whistling: Then whine when they get banned.

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Thanks, bben. That's all I wanted to know. I just wanted to make sure that I don't get banned for no reason. That's not me questioning anyone's motives, I'm just paranoid about bans...

Nonetheless, yeah, most of those reasons seem stupid. Not to ban for, but stupid to perform them. (Die hard anti-pirating person).


Mostly, I just needed a baseline of conduct so I don't do anything to get banned. That, and because I have to adjust from how I act on another forum.

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Why in the world would the answer to "Has there been a day without a ban?" have any impact whatsoever on you're conduct?! Given that you feel you have to "adjust" how you behave, I would say that your fear of a ban is well placed, since the only things that will get you banned here are things you shouldn't do "in public", anywhere.


You know... Insulting people, being deliberately vulgar (and let's be honest, everything one posts is "deliberate") flashing nude pictures at people when they weren't expecting it, or stealing things that belong to others. That's about it as far as ban reasons go.


(Oh, and spam. Spamming the sites will bring the BanHammer as well! :tongue: )

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Oh. Well those reasons make sense. However, the day without a bay thing was pure curiosity, but then again, curiosity does have bad rap. Considering I haven't ever done anything listed (or even thought about the offense itself), I guess I won't need to worry.


Thanks anyway for answers.

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You moderaters certainly have you work cut out for you. It must be tough work rooting out all of the trolls, but it makes a noticable differance. I love this site because it isn't loaded down with immature and idiotic comments, like the comments you would find on youtube. (YUCK!)


Are bans typically a result of reporting, or do you have to do a lot of digging?

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Are bans typically a result of reporting, or do you have to do a lot of digging?

I would say the vast majority are from reports. Being users of these sites like everyone else, we too come across posts that require moderation, but we are just a handful of members whereas everyone else on the site tend to see much more than we do overall on a daily basis. There are cases where we watch for returning trolls and ban multiple accounts or silently ban accounts who utilize inappropriate names.


If members did not use the report button, there would be very few "caught" simply because we cannot keep track or every post made.



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I figured. I glad everyone pulls their weight to keep this site clean. I'll be sure to report any trolls I come across. ;D Happy Hunting. Edited by Gaius_Ignatius
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