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My Character has a skin disease


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Below is my character. He is a Abriel Briton Male--okay I didn't find out I wasn't supposed to make Abriel males until after he was level 12, so hey. Works for me. But his body skin is funky.


Any ideas?



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That has the look of vanilla skin texture on a body mesh designed for Roberts texture (or a similar scenario). Different body meshes require compatible skin textures.

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I thought it was something like that. Should I be looking for a skin texture mod that is Robert's comparable? It doesn't affect game play other than Vilja getting grossed out when I swim.


The skin just kinda nags at me.



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You can use the textures from RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52 (I use a mixture of ver4 and ver5 meshes via Blockhead PerRace and PerNPC overrides along with ver5 textures myself), but it begs the question ... why are you using the older version 4?


Wear a ring or something worth at least 1 gold and Vilja won't care about your skin condition (she looks at the value of what your character is wearing to determine whether or not you're nude).

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The Vilja thing was a joke. I knew about the ring thing.


Last run through Robert's V5 wouldn't run, but 4 would. My mods are much more stable now, I'll try V5 again.



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A couple of questions ... are you also using Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 and if not do you have the MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp activated (and if you do use OCO v2 then you don't want to have MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp activated) and what form of archive invalidation are you using?


- Edit - Any chance of a link to the race mod so I can look over if it has any requirements etc listed/implied (search and I aren't seeing eye to eye today ... having zero luck tracking that race down).


- Edit 2 - Just re-read your OP ... if the race is female only chances are it's HGEC based. The skin UV map for Roberts male (or female for that matter) and HGEC are totally different and incompatible.

Edited by Striker879
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