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Character Controls Feel "Sticky"/Laggy


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Hey all, I have to run out the door so I'm going to do my best to cut to the chase here...


Earlier this week I investigated my vram usage a bit and determined it rarely exceeded 2.5 gigs. As I have a 4 gig card, I thought I should add a few more texture mods. Over the last 24 hours -- during which my issue first began -- I've added the following texture mods:


1. Ruins Clutter Improved

2. True Wolves Skyrim 1K

3. SRTO Enemies 2K

4. Weathered Road Signs (textures only)


None of these have plugins/esps.


As far as the issue, I first noticed it while in the dungeons. For example, I'd walk forward, try to stop (remove finger from W) and my character would still take an extra step or two. Same situation when attempting to pick up an item, in that when I press "E" to pick up, the game interpreted it as if I was holding "E" and wanted to move the item. It didn't appear to be an issue while in the exterior world. I tested in multiple dungeons and at various points in time the sluggish/delayed/"sticky" controls occurred.


I monitored my GPU usage and the vram in these interior worlds never seemed to get much above 2 gigs. My FPS wasn't a problem either, as it was very smooth.


I'm using Mod Organizer and have a dozen or so texture mods that alter the environment textures. A couple of questions:


1. Does anyone know what might be the culprit with the "sticky" character controls? Note, I disabled Ruins Clutter Improved and the sluggish character controls no longer were an issue. That said, I'd really like to make use of additional texture mods...


2. As I have many texture-based mods, many mods overwrite one another. For example, there might more than one mod improving Object X's texture. As a result, Mod Organizer tells me that Mod 1 is overwriting Mod 2's Object X. Can having too many of these situations, where one mod's texture overwrites the same texture added by a second mod, cause any issues in game?


I use LOOT and TES5Edit...


Here is a link to my load order, full mod list, etc -- http://modwat.ch/dynamiKsf#/modlist

Edited by dynamiKsf
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It sounds like you might benefit from running ENBoost if you're not running it already. Skyrim wasn't designed to take advantage of larger Video Cards with lots of VRAM. From your load order it looks like you're already running ENB so here's a quick video about turning on and tweaking your settings for ENBoost, I hope it helps.



I'm not 100% certain that it will fix all of your problems, but it certainly can't hurt.

Edited by Wolvenna
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TBH I find Skyrim, Fallout 3/ NV does natively have a clumsy feel for the controls.

Specially if you've been playing other fps games on other engines eg: UE3, Frostbite, Unity etc.


Skyrim, Fallout 3/ NV to me always feels like a clumsy jump, clumsy directional movement no matter what settings you use.

The only thing that feels almost crisp and fresh is the rotation of camera movement.


It's fine as after a while you compensate for the clumsy jump and directional movement, due to it's at least consistently clumsy so you can judge it..lol



As for the Activate working as like grab instead of pick up, I get the same on my newer hardware.

But on my older delapadated hardware it barely ever happens.

I never really looked into it, but I imagine there will be a hardware bios setting for clock timers that is related to the difference. (pure assumption)

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Yeah, I hear you there. Only thing is with what happened for me is this was 25+ hours into another play through and the controls became even more clumsy after adding more texture mods.

I did a bit more reading regarding my ENBLocal.ini and saw they changed the recommendation (at some point in last few months) on how to determine the ideal VideoMemorySizeMb... I think this new, lower value has helped, as I'm yet to experience what I did yesterday -- in terms of the laggy control response time, etc.

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