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Addicted to TESSource?


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I don't know how all of you do it... but I have a paper for a class due tomorrow and I can't stop browsing the forums to work on it. I think I might be addicted. Did Dark0ne put some sort of drug into the forum code? Does the gathering of intellectual beings (those that are here) hold my attention? I don't know, but whatever it is, it's working...
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I don't know how all of you do it... but I have a paper for a class due tomorrow and I can't stop browsing the forums to work on it. I think I might be addicted. Did Dark0ne put some sort of drug into the forum code? Does the gathering of intellectual beings (those that are here) hold my attention? I don't know, but whatever it is, it's working...


I know how you feel... unfortunately.


Why am I even here, I need to be asleep.


Ding am im tird


cannut evn spel rit. loll :unsure:

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Addicted? I? Heavens no! I only post here everyday and browse this forum on all of my spare time! Sure, I miss dinner from time to time and dont do my homework because I'm way to busy browsing this forum, I sit locked down in my room staring at the grayness of the monitor.


Ok maybe I'm a bit addicted. Just a tiny winny bit... Fine I confess. Dark0ne's secret evil plans of forum addiction got me :glare: .

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I have a paper for a class due tomorrow and I can't stop browsing the forums to work on it. I think I might be addicted.

Fun fact: most people who claim they have an "addictive personality" are simply chronic procrastinators, and are in fact --- by virtue of their blaming this on a physical condition that they don't actually have --- procrastinating from learning self-discipline.

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Haha, I used to be, as you can probably tell from my rather inflated postcount. :rolleyes: Back in 2003 I was like a limpet here, making about 30 posts per day and always checking the forums. I try to keep things to one forum check per day now, but it doesn't always work. :P
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I just forgot my password! Suppose that makes me a recovered addicted lurker. :unsure: (checks post count, checks join date) Nothing wrong with having nothing to say, hey Milly.


Anyway been a bit angry lately so I thought it better to stay away (seeing as oblivion doesn't work as therapy so much) Not to worry, the good people at heartlessbitches.com is more than happy to bash me back into shape. And I do mean bash.


Oh definite gold star there Serpent! One so shiny I have to wear 8)

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