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I need help with some scripting.


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As the topic says I'm having some problems with scripting. Infact I have no idea what Im doing. I do know, however, what I want to do. I'm trying to make a Hulk-esque spell to go along with the Hilarity mod.

What im wondering is:

1.Is it possible to script a temporary increase in size of the PC.

2.Is it possible to script a temorary color change of the PC.

3.And finally Is it possible to have it unequip all items and leave only a raggedy pair of pants left on the character. (I'd prefer it if it didnt require disintegrating all the armor and equipment but...)


I think thats about it.


Thanks in advance,


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1.Is it possible to script a temporary increase in size of the PC.


It should be, it's done in PJ's Spell Compendium. It dynamically changes all the time for the duration of the spell though. But that can be changed. Just take PJ's spell (Sorry, don't remember which one) as an example.

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All three are possible.


1: Look up




and maybe


on the WIKI.


2: Practice shaders.


3: see


on the wiki for info. You would probably like to use something like


player.removeallitems backupcontainerforlaterreequip

player.additem crappypants 1

player.equipitem crappypants 0

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