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Happy birthday to yoouu, and you and you and you...


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Shees, it looks like the happy birthday candles are burning bright today!


Special mention to w7a7herman, byo, LeslieCan, dendeson, modsforme, balera, kartash, morgor, gregjam23, kapaz, reenakon, pobagna and Edwardjc who are all thirty and over and now too old to vote in the 'How old" poll.


And big grats to awayfk who made it to 101. I can increase my font size if you need. :P


Happy birthday to all whose real birthday it is 8)

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Haha, we'd have to make one of these threads every day if we wanted to keep up. :P Most of them probably don't read the forums.


Happy Birthday to the lot of you anyway. ^^

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Haha, we'd have to make one of these threads every day if we wanted to keep up. :P Most of them probably don't read the forums.

Nope. The last person who I saw in there who is active is Peregrine. It would be nice if it only showed people who actually post(ed), so we can see the 'important people'.

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