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Mods for Skyrim might ruin the fun??


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I'm sure everyone will experience vanilla Skyrim as it's meant to be experienced for their first character.

I seriously doubt that, to the point that I'd say, "No, they won't".


People will be making mods, and playing them, as soon as they can possibly crank them out. New Vegas was a modding Gold Rush, amplified by the similarities between FO3 and NV, surely, but it proved that people mod a.s.a.p. Skyrim won't be any different for a lot of people.

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Well I'm sure it's as you said, that it had an amplified effect... NV was seen more of an 'expansion' and people were probably more inclined to intall their favourite converted/remade mods from FO3.


For Skyrim it will surely be far less the case. Also, it all depends on if the Kit is released on the same day the game is released. It wasn't for FO3, so everyone did experience 'vanilla' FO3 for a good while.


But then again, I've not problem with people modding from the get go... it's their choice. ;)

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For Skyrim it will surely be far less the case. Also, it all depends on if the Kit is released on the same day the game is released. It wasn't for FO3, so everyone did experience 'vanilla' FO3 for a good while.

Interesting point, Olurum! I was in the Dark Ages, I mean, I was on the ps3, when FO3 came out. I didn't remember that the GECK came out later...that is a good way to force vanilla play for a while, ins't it?!

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Heh, no idea if it was a concious decision on Bethesda's part but that is indeed a sure-fire way to force 'vanilla play' if they wanted to. But it also caused much outrage because the construction kit was left unconfirmed and people feared that it wouldn't be released. ;D


But they've already announced it for Skyrim and the game isn't anywhere near out yet. A simultaneous release might just happen. Maybe this thread could've served more of a purpose if there was a poll "If possible, will you mod your game from the very first playthrough?". ;)

Edited by Olurum
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Bethesda has a long history of supporting the modding community, and for good reason. It’s a science fact that mod tools make the world a better place: they make modders happy because they can mod, they make developers happy to see modders gaining experience, and they make fans happy to see an endless stream of content they can mess around with. So today we were pretty happy to finally confirm our plans to continue that support with Skyrim.


This is a quote directly from the Beth Blog. This is what everyone is basically trying to tell you. As you can see, Bethesda has no plan to remove the ability of modding and probably never will as long as they continue to make games. Its a way for them to make more money as well, so its not like they gain nothing by producing a construction set, GECK or creation kit.

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Lol this thread just wont die will it!


I really cannot comprehend why anyone wants to force others to play the game vanilla aside from some base urge to exert control over people.



I think this responsible and accomplished modding community is a great asset to bethesda. And they publish such a statement to reassure us of what we can look forward to.

Mods provide valuable r&d for bethesda, from information about content that people enjoy having in their game to new gameplay concepts that they can implement in future games.

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I really cannot comprehend why anyone wants to force others {to play the game vanilla} aside from some base urge to exert control over people.

Brackets { }added by me in the above quote.


There's a lot of that going on in the worldhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/pirate.gif

That's apparently where a whole lot of people have stopped their individual development as beings. Video games are a microcosm of the macrocosm.

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I'm sure everyone will experience vanilla Skyrim as it's meant to be experienced for their first character.

I seriously doubt that, to the point that I'd say, "No, they won't".


People will be making mods, and playing them, as soon as they can possibly crank them out. New Vegas was a modding Gold Rush, amplified by the similarities between FO3 and NV, surely, but it proved that people mod a.s.a.p. Skyrim won't be any different for a lot of people.


I agree. I never played vanilla Fallout 3. When I bought it, it was already a couple years old and I had extensive experience in modding Oblivion, Morrowind and Dragon Age so I knew what I would want. Downloaded some big overhaul mods like Wanderer's Edition before even turning the game on and had it running smooth. Same thing with New Vegas.


As much as I hope it isn't the case, somewhere there is going to be a hole in Skyrim, something nagging that they missed out on. In Oblivion it was the butt ugly NPCs, hopefully in Skyrim it will be something less obtrusive. And if there is a mod which fixes it available early on, I will get it, fo sho.

Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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