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Question: User Ranks, You Decide


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Well, I suppose if you are really insane enough to think the ranking matters, you would keep a record of how many posts you've made.  The showing of the number by your name does that bit of work for you.  Then, if you've reached 48 for example, there is a temptation to post several references to happy birthday and the like.  I note that one poster actually says s/he is deliberately posting to boost rank and this is quite clear from the nature of the posts.


Removing the count will not stop this 'weary banker' (Spoonerism) continuing.  But it might discourage others.


I am very new to all this kind of thing and others out there have far more experience of other fora (if that's the plural of forum) but when I joined in September there seemed to be less deliberate manoeuvering for position than over the last week or so.  Reading so many of such posts is irritating.  The flame finger itches.


But I'll be good!


Keep up the good work Dark0ne.



Okay, the poster you said was boosting their posts was me... but does it really look like I am? I could be at 200 by now. You are of course entitled to your opinion, but positions are something to work for - and there WON'T be spam, which I think is what you fear, if the mod's all do their jobs and stop it happening. If that fails, as ranks are so valuable to people, they can just knock off a post count and put it back to 0... that tends to shut people up. I may only have been here a few days, but this forum seems to be VERY harshly run - I don't think that Dark One would put up with the kind of 'Post Count boosting' that you fear. In other words, your fears are for the most part unfounded.

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I have replied to Duskreaver by PM. My opinion, and I would stress that it is only an opinion, is that, except in the off-topic section and such like, posts should be either interesting, informative or amusing or should be seeking help. Other dialogues would be better sent via the PM system. I think the moderators here do a great job and if anything could be even harder than they are.
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I still think and have to say the current ranking system with the inexplainable sudden carreer changes sucks in the extreme.


I am an assassin for gods sake! I HATE THEM!


Make ranks that does NOT directly reflect any profession.


My one tries to incorporate every class into a viable rank - instead of following the class of a fighter, or a wizard, it follows both so I don't get people complaining about there being no wizard ranks and vice versa.


Oh so now instead of that we have 4 or so classes we suddenly change! It makes no damn sense! Like assassins are higher ranking then fighters and then the immoral assassin suddenly becomes a pious paladin :blink:



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Calm down people. Each is entitled to thier own opnion. If you disagree <and it is of personal nature> take it off the board or PM each other <like you have been doing>.


In response to the Mods being "harsh" I can only speak for myself but in the last 2-3 weeks I have done more locking and censoring of posts than ever before. The amount of unaccpetable material <SPAM, Trolling and Flaming> is incredible. If everyone just followed the TOS and used common sense then we wouldn't have to be "harsh".


My two cents anyway.


Play nicely gentlemen.



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PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS Don't get rid of the custom ranks!!! many of us mere newbs are posting on the forums so that we can call ourselves the exalted rank of "Im not a noob nemore!!!"

I don't know why, and I'm not too sure if it's just me, but does that just yell out in bold type "REMOVE THE CUSTOM RANKS PLEASE"?


Custom ranks offer a sense of individualism to forums, rather like avatars and sigs. But often they're at a price, which means we get spammers. And in a worse-case scenario, trolls.


One idea if you wanted completely classless would be...


- Outlander

- Trainee

- Apprentice

- Average

- Experienced

- Leader


They seem pretty feeble, but something like that could satisfy an unclassable group of people... but I do agree with Shakkara in some ways - I play a moogle, a pathetically weak species with a trouser-fetish. I don't think they'll do well as assassins!


Whatever happens, people are going to like it, others will hate it and many will be indifferent or unaware.

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