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Why the hate on fast travel?


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So basically I have heard a lot of complaining on fast travelling in skyrim but isn't it optional? I mean don't like it don't use it, And some say that morrowind was better because it didn't have fast travelling, personally I have never played morrowind so I can't really say anything but I have heard there were some kind of transportation something like slitstriders or something that was like a fast travel. Isn't that also fast travel just another sort?
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To me, it's basically complaining just to be complaining. Yes, Morrowind had 2 different things that amounted to fast travel. (Well, 3 if you did this one quest) There are mods for people who'd like fast travel to be more like Morrowind. But, actually the Oblivion style fast travel is more like Beth's traditional style.
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I personally lack the strength of mind of not using it when its enabled. That is reason I'd like to extend my gaming by disabling it forcibly and only being able to fast travel if set so separately. I like more lore friendly or realistic travel ways such as boats or horse carriages that will work like fast travel but you need to go to certain spots to use them. I play a lot of RPG's and its a big plus when you cant travel from middle of nowhere to where all life is within 4hrs game time, 3 seconds real time. Yes it is optional but for some reason when it's added pretty much everyone will use it regardless their will. I've seen many discussions on this matter but for me, well I have to disable them with mod, if the mod adds alterative ways such as horse carriages (remember one very cool for oblivion I used to have but cant find) Edited by stuges
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I like knowing fast travel is there when I want it. In Daggerfall it was a necessity, as it oculd take up to 2 game time WEEKS to get form point a to point b!


In Morrowind, they made it much easier to discover locations (I imagine that at the time in 2002 the forums were aflutter with cries of 'Lame!' and 'they dumbed it down, now it sucks!' lol) and there's fast travel to major areas.


I think Oblivion overdoes it a bit, but I love exploring along the way, so I just blow off fast travel unless I'm in a hurry or don't feel like fussing aorund.

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People who cant avoid using it themselves, eventhough they think it's lame or whatever, only have themselves to blame. Anything else is ridiculous in my opinion :P But sure, it could've been made with some more style as with caravans or boats or whatever. It will probably be available in Skyrim though since they made it for Fallout 3.


I dont like using such systems myself, and therefore avoid it. But in a game as unstable as Oblivion, I think it's a nice function to have around in case of a crash. I really hate walking across the map without saving, and then the game crash just before I reach my destination :wallbash: That's the only situation where I can accept myself to fast travel at least about half of the way. Never all the way though ;)


So let's hope Skyrim is way more stable! :teehee:

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Not sure why people hate fast travel. Some say it is unrealistic (for me, it's kinda funny, looking for realism in a fantasy game, but to each their own). Anyway, since it is a single player game, everyone can play it as they like - if somebody prefers travelling slowly, they are perfectly OK to do so. Myself, I usually travel on foot at the beginning, and then switch to mounts of to fast travel - after a while the novelty of ambushes and bandits wears off, and you just want to get to the place where you have some business to do.
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Not sure why people hate fast travel. Some say it is unrealistic (for me, it's kinda funny, looking for realism in a fantasy game, but to each their own). Anyway, since it is a single player game, everyone can play it as they like - if somebody prefers travelling slowly, they are perfectly OK to do so. Myself, I usually travel on foot at the beginning, and then switch to mounts of to fast travel - after a while the novelty of ambushes and bandits wears off, and you just want to get to the place where you have some business to do.


I think that when people go on about 'realism' in fantastic settings what they're really saying is 'I have a certain level that beyond which immersion and believeability/suspension od disbelief break down for me.'


Even if things like fantasy novels and games, it has to be believeable. otherwise, game designers and fantasy novelists could write any old random crap and it would succeed just because it's fantasy.

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