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Some misc ideas


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So, like every single person on these forums, I have mods that I want. And, like many on these forums, I have no idea how to mod. Thus, I am going to throw a list of mod concepts out there in the hopes someone will notice.


1: A shoulder cape mod, AC Brotherhood style. Possibly with options for length or colour, or maybe what side it's on. Perhaps with HDT-PE support.


2: Probably a very common request, but HDT conversions of vanilla/DLC armours and clothing for UNP. Because physics is awesome.


3: I use jmenaru's Crimson Twilight armour a lot, and I've seen some conversions which include HDT, but none for UNP. So, that.


4: A kissing mod. Nothing overly sexual or excessive, just a quick peck, like you're going out to work and kiss your spouse goodbye.


5: Basically any armour mod that's cool, but not over the top.


6: A mod to remove the wrinkles from a Dunmer (not sure about other Mer) PC/NPC, because they always look like they're in their late 40s.


7: Unique pauldrons. By that I mean pauldrons that aren't extracted from vanilla/DLC armours, but are hand-crafted or something along those lines.


8: More fonts. Yes, slightly mundane, but I've only ever seen the vanilla font and the Narkism font. Maybe a way to put your own fonts in.


9: More varied animations for combat. In the vanilla game, there's only two or three animations for each attack type (one-handed right, two-handed, etc), but that's not how you'd fight in reality.


10: A mod which allows the PC to use all the NPC idles such as leaning on the wall, or tending the bar. Maybe including the animation for opening the door.


11: More interesting combat magic, rather than just increasingly leveled versions of the same three elements. Maybe some new elements, like light or shadow or stone.


12: A lying down mod. Whenever I need to go do something and leave Skyrim running, I don't want the PC to have to stand all that time.


Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you do decide to make any of these mods, thank you and I'll make sure to endorse it.

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Thanks, I was in the middle of browsing the mod pages when I made this list so I hadn't seen some of this stuff. 1-No, I just think it'd be an awesome mod. 4-I tried that one, but I found it detracted from the immersion when it always ended up on the floor. 6-Both, but primarily male.

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