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Let it snow! Survival in the Frozen North


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We've all been hearing a lot about this fancy "dynamic snow" and "rough environment" from Bethesda's releases to Gameinformer, but now they reveal "Given its northern location and extreme elevations, Skyrim's climate is more prone to snowfall than Cyrodiil. To create realistic precipitation effects, Bethesda originally tried to use shaders and adjust their opacity and rim lighting, but once the artists built the models and populated the world the snow appeared to fall too evenly. To work around this problem, they built a new precipitation system that allows artists to define how much snow will hit particular objects. The program scans the geography, then calculates where the snow should fall to make sure it accumulates properly on the trees, rocks, and bushes." Snow on rocks n' trees n' bushes seems a step down from "rough environment". I draw even grimmer conclusions since they started trying to get it with shaders and rim lighting adjustments. I had been hoping for at least some environments that seem not only "Northern and extremely elevated", but also dangerous, as said places and elevations tend to be. I hope their dynamic snow will pile up and up during winter storms, making travel and survival actually hard in some harsher locations, remember Bethesda, Skyrim is the rough, frigid backwater of Cyrodil, not a winter wonderland.There should be real and dangerous winter weather, along with the feet of snow it drops.Those storms in oblivion made everything look kinda nasty, but now it should look nasty and be dangerous. I don't want to prance through the frozen forests in my metal armor and not get frostbite, or at least a cold. I hope there are actual blizzards, and you can't just fast travel out of them. Sometimes in the frigid North, survival itself should be a fight, not just keeping the wooly mammoths away from ur camp's food, but setting up camp, and waiting it out, or packing up, and trekking onward. I know this is a lot to ask for ,but you are Bethesda :woot: Anyone else got any ideas about Skyrim survival?
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I know, I saw that and I was like WHAT?!? ;D but then I saw mor about the snow and it bummed me out. I think for survival you should hav to eat and drink and sleep too, like somekinda hardcore mode u can choose at the beginning of the game.
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Perhaps for a hardcore mode, or something to that effect, but I don't think I'd enjoy that as something you're compelled to do no matter what. Realism doesn't always equal fun. I don't want to get caught in a snow storm and then repeatedly notice that the same crap is happening with my corpse being piled under 100 feet of snow. Just the same I don't want to have some ridiculous blizzard that I need to sit out in an inn for a week. Skyrim isn't a winter wonderland, but it's also not a frozen hell. Edited by SandsOfTime404
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Perhaps for a hardcore mode, or something to that effect, but I don't think I'd enjoy that as something you're compelled to do no matter what. Realism doesn't always equal fun. I don't want to get caught in a snow storm and then repeatedly notice that the same crap is happening with my corpse being piled under 100 feet of snow. Just the same I don't want to have some ridiculous blizzard that I need to sit out in an inn for a week. Skyrim isn't a winter wonderland, but it's also not a frozen hell.

I agree, I didn't mean for all of Skyrim to be like that, just in the mountains/tundras in winter.

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If it were like that Nords would have an advntage abowe other races. 100% frost resist, remember? So I doubt you would be able to freeze to death at all (even if not playing as Nords that is). Edited by Michae
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Frozen hell sounds like fun! Where are the ice wraiths? :P


It would be cool to see hyperthermia in Skyrim. You know, freezing to death and such lol


Hyper means more, over. Hypo means less, under. Hyperthermia is heat shock, hypothermia is cold shock.

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I have heard that a lot of people are talking about the winter and the seasons in general, is that even confirmed or do people just assume there will be seasons?


And snowstorms would be great but there shouldn't be too dramatic so that you have to wait for a week or something, maybe a day or something.

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