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immersive walk through fields-grasshoppers-3D work started, see here


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I think mods that add more flora and fauna to the world add so much. Skybirds adding birds flying around in the air around you, varieties of trees and grasses, it all adds to the feel of being in the world as opposed to playing a game that only seems to be set on a half-done stage.

My idea: grasshoppers! I thought about adding one simple creature to spawn that might add something like this and start from there with my modding education.

I tried (in vain) to search for a tutorial that might show a mechanic whereby I could spawn a few grasshoppers as you walk through a grassy field, they jump or fly a short distance and then disappear into the field, rinse, repeat as you walk through the field, but I literally cannot find anything like this, probably because I don't even know what terms I should be searching for.

I do work in 3D and even for fun started to see if I could make a relatively low-poly model of a grasshopper. It's about 250 polygons and could probably be reduced a lot more if you consider how small they would actually appear on screen, and I've animated it in 3D studio max. I don't even know if it's possible to bring a new animated model into skyrim, or if it would have to be prepared/animated some other way, but this is what I have and I'd be happy to share it with an experienced modder who could make this work.

Of course if you can spawn grasshoppers, you could also add other small insects, moths, crickets etc. I've also thought that the same mechanic could spawn jumping frogs near water and other small critters. Perhaps in the advanced version of the mod, the frogs could eat the grasshoppers! :)


Check the links for a couple short clips, a turnaround of the grasshopper model and an example showing something that I imagine it might look like.

Is anything like this possible to do and if so, where should I start learning if I were to try making a mod myself? What mechanism exists in the creation kit that would be the best bet to create something similar to this proposal?





and in case anyone wants a reference, here's a short youtube clip that illustrates what it's like in the real world. :)



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