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If the world were a village


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I am only taking the mickey.. how come UK is not in there? [even though i don't give a rats ass about UK]


The UK are Europeans right? Europeans were included, as was the South Pacific, which is were Aussie is. :)

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Jeez keanu, you left out quite a bit here...


Yes I know; much more information was included but for site rule regulations, I couldn't post them for anything other than a ban.


Oh and Alias: I'm sure a lot of us (If not all) have heard something a little similar to this sometime in our lives. And I agree with you, helps to make our world's problems shrink a little and not seem so big. Although they are...

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Believe me when I say, "I think I actually was a statistician in a past life. Who got strung up for being so nosy, invading peoples life, just so I could get all that kind of data." Never again will I disturb the weary, the weak willed, and glum masses just to find out if what I heard was true.


It is.

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