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SI not working....


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I reinstalled oblivion and installed the 1.2.0416 patch,installed SI went into the game and rest a day and nothing.....tried resting just one hour and nothing, not sure what is not working,but im unabled to get SI to play/work
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couple of issues here


first - if you are re-installing, install Shivering Isles before the 1.2.0416 patch - then install only the SI 1.2.0416 patch


second - the pop-up doesn't always happen, but if SI is properly installed the island in the bay always shows up


if the island is not there - SI simply isn't installed.

(Revenge of UAC)

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Go adventuring. The SI plugin can take time to initialise -- usually days on my setup. Having timescale anything other than 30 will also affect when it jumps in. In short, you don't have a problem from your description.
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Like Hickory said, the message may not appear for several game days. Look for the island.


Like Fonger said, you MUST install SI before any patches. :confused: BTW, if you have the GOTY edition the latest patch is included ON THE SI INSTALL! and not the Oblivion install.


For some obscure reason, The non SI patch for Oblivion is not compatible with the SI patch with the same version number http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gifWhen trying to install the SI patch after the Oblivion patch you will probably get an error. In that case you will probably have to reinstall everything. :wallbash:


Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus



It allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.

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ya, im just going to try again and reinstall everything again,,,

So my 1st attempt was I installed the base game and then the patch,and i installed SI and tried to run the patch for SI and got the "old file" error deal and patch did not install,


So what todo?


Install the base game and SI and the knights of nine and then both patches? I have a bad feeling doing that and i get the old file deal....... not sure

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ya, im just going to try again and reinstall everything again,,,

So my 1st attempt was I installed the base game and then the patch,and i installed SI and tried to run the patch for SI and got the "old file" error deal and patch did not install,


So what todo?


Install the base game and SI and the knights of nine and then both patches? I have a bad feeling doing that and i get the old file deal....... not sure

read the directions in the second post again


you did not follow them

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After uninstalling the game, reinstall in this order:



1. Oblivion (non GOTY Version)

2. The Shivering Isles (if you have it)

3. Install the v1.2.0416 patch for your version of the game (If you only have Oblivion get the Oblivion version of the patch, if you have the Shivering Isles, get the Shivering Isles version of the patch)

4. Unofficial Oblivion Patch

5. Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch (If you installed Shivering Isles)

6. Official DLC plugins (either Downloaded or The KOTN (Knights Of The Nine) disc.

7. Unofficial Official Mods Patch




1. Disc 1 (Oblivion)

2. Disc 2 (Shivering Isles and KOTN) Updates Oblivion to current version, does NOT include any of the Official plug ins (DLC's)

3. Unofficial Oblivion Patch

4. Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch

5. Official DLC's (If you have them)

6. Unofficial Official Mods Patch


I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you install the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch (if you have the Shivering Isles) and the Unofficial Official Mods Patch (if you have any of the official DLC plugins).

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I followed the steps in the link posted above, and removed the game, and reboot pc, installed the base game and then installed the SI and then the SI patch it installed fine, So i reboot pc again,and loaded up the game and started a new game. and ran around for two days and rested for 8 hours and waited and its not starting up...the island is not there, and the map marker does not show up. I only have Alternate Start Revamped. and Qarls Texture Pack. mods installed, not sure if they are the problem or not.posted a pic, it might help... its ok, I have played it enough and know most of the quest by heart, but it just fine to play once im done playing the base game quest and what have you


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