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adding Hair/Eyes to companions


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Couple of months ago I altered Vanessa and Marina companions to having Mikoto cool hairs. No problem. Now... I'm doing it again after a full game reinstall, and... NO chance.


I've been at this for a month, and nothing works. The basic problem in adding Hair/Eyes to the Races in GECK will not Save properly. GECK goes through the motions but will never save any addition of hair. eyes. eyelashes to vanilla races, If I use a mod race, it merely results in the edited NPC body (not its clothing) going invisible in game. This effectively precluders using Mikoto additions to an NPC character.

Its driving me totally bonkers!


The only other change I've done between the successful and unsuccessful operations is change from XP to W7. It's been 'run as administratored' as far as I know but there seems like a lot of possibilities in the Properties/advanced of the exe's to miss something here!

There are a couple of other failings which may (or may not) be relevant:

Merged patches won't work with the edited NPC's.

The game won't exit properly anymore (always needs Cntl Alt Del)

GECK generally crashes in Inventory and Render.


Anybody dealt with this successfully? Archive invalidation makes no difference.

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I lot of companions have the master flag set on the esp and the GECK will not save masters, the master flag is set to get rid of the head/body texture mismatch that happens with added NPCs.


Load up FNVEdit.

Find the companions esp.

Expand the + next it it.

Highlight the "File Header" entry.

In the right hand pane find "Record Flags".

Right click on "Record Flags", select "Edit" and OK any warning pop up.

In the box that pops up uncheck "ESM" and hit OK.

Close FNVEdit saving when prompted.


Now the GECK should save any edits you make, remember to apply the master flag when you're done or they'll have issues.

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Thanks for the response.

I'm trying to restore my Marina companion to have the Cool hair 79 = a black bob cut (thanks for the positive comment you made on her pic a month or so back!). I tried the method you laid out, but Marina is an esp, and not flagged as an ESM. Of my gaggle of gals, Jade, Kelsey, Sarah Conner, Delilah, Tess, Kirina, Precious, Wendy, and Siouxie Venemous, are all esp's, I think only Willow, Vanessa, and Eve are ESM's.

I think what i may have done before is create a plug-in for Eve's ESM to add characteristics: hair eyes etc, to her race, and used her as a base for altering Marina changing her to Caucasian Eve Race.

Still, I can't see why GECK won't change damn hair normally anymore...! ESM's, Esp's plu-gins...nuffink! If the NPC doesn't go bald, she simply vanishes, leaving a clothes spectre alone.

It's odd, because I did manage to convert Wendy, who comes in various un Cool hairstyles, to some a bit more dramatic.... but I've forgotten how it worked! i've done so many different methods this last month, maybe 60+, and 99% have failed.

Edited by Rhoops
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This is what FNVedit says about my latest failed Marina... using Error Check


"[00:00] Checking for Errors in [3E] Marina_Companion_Mortal.esp
[00:00] raynor009Marina "Marina" [NPC_:3E000ADD]
[00:00] NPC_ \ RNAM - Race -> [03004159] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] NPC_ \ HNAM - Hair -> [0301391C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] NPC_ \ ENAM - Eyes -> [03009D71] < Error: Could not be resolved >

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