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New and Interesting Race suggestion


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I was thinking about it, and I realized that a race that would work very well in Oblivion, is the Asari (people who've played the game Mass Effect know what I'm talking about). Its a race that is 100% female


A mono-gender race—distinctly feminine in appearance—the asari are known for their elegance, diplomacy, and biotic (Magical) talent. Their millennia-long lifespan and unique physiology—allowing them to reproduce with a partner of any gender or species—give them a conservative but convivial attitude toward other races.




As you can see, they are humanoid, with the differences being blue skin (very rarely, teal, green, or purple skin), and those head-things (called on the wikia article "wavy folds of sculpted skin"), Many of them have some subtle facial markings.


I think this race would work well and be fairly epic in Oblivion.


More info on this race can be found here: LINK TO ASARI

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