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Skyrim is going to be dumbed down.


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As long as the game is at least as modable as the recent games, they can do whatever they want with it imo. But I dont think it can be much more dumbed down than Oblivion was, so I'm sure it will at least be to the better, especially considering all the new aspects of gameplay they're introducing with dragonshouts, dualwielding, jobs, etc


But yes, expect it to still be optimized for the mass (The brainless people). That's how you make money.

Edited by Mr. Bravo
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well, that's a tough one.


I don't mind certain things like skills being streamlines or rearranged. that doesn't constitute dumbing down. Nor does fast travel, etc.


I would imagine that when M0rrowind came out, the Daggerfall fans were squawking about how not having never-ending dungeons where it took a week of playing time to find a quest object, monster or person and about locations actually being findable on the map was dumbing down. Me, I thought 'Oh thank the gods!'


What does mean dumbing down for me is less lore, fewer interesting books and skill books (hurr hurr, reading is boring!), hand-holding, less area to explore, reduction of storyline or poor writing of said, no consequences to choices, and abandoning substance and depth for Teh Ooh Shiny.

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I don't think it's ever possible to dumb it down from oblivion anyway. So i'm confident


They did seem to move in the right direction with FO3 so with any luck they won't go back to treating players like complete morons.

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As long as they don't develop it for the consoles and then port it to the PC. That is dumbing things down.

I seriously hate getting a new game for my PC and being welcomed by some stupid screen saying "Press any key" which is pc-port-speak for "press play on your controller". If it's not an awesome game, that line to me means return to sender.

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Wait, Black Ops was bad? I thought it was the best in the series. And this is coming from an almost 20 year old gamer.


Either way, time will tell, but it seems to me Skyrim will be the next Morrowind. Less skills doesn't necessarily mean dumbed down.

Considering how I thought it was at least going to have some sort of vehicles in multiplayer yes it is bad compared to Bad Company 2 which is about 3 times cheeper.

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