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Skyrim is going to be dumbed down.


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Those of us that played Daggerfall and Morrowind somehow have a bad outlook on Oblivion because of the reduction in the variety and depth of the game. All the "new" people getting into the TES series my find it the other way around.


Skyrim, from what I have read and seen, will be more than likely to be a combination of the three - or two if you only played MW. I honestly think it will seem dumbed down to those who are just getting into the games, because they compare the game to Oblivion not MW or Daggerfall.


I would have to disagree. I wasn't new to TES when getting Oblivion, and I didn't get it at launch but I was pleasently surprised when I did get it.


Oblivion was a great game with many advantages and disadvantages compared to Morrowind, I can only guestimate but I think I probably have 600+ hours played on each game separately. Oblivion fixes many problems that Morrowind had and brought many new problems to the table. I don't think it's fair to say one was better than the other.


I will also add that I have never played through more than the first quarter of either game's primary quest. At Oblivion I stopped at closing the gates and Morrowind I stopped at collecting the thingys for Caius Cosades (aka half naked Patrick Stewart)


Edit: After reading the arcticle about the new combat system it is obvious that fighting will be FAR more indepth than in previous TES titles... so the game being dumbed down is looking less and less like a possibility.

Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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1000% more dialogue than oblivion..................................................... not likely

No compass markers and quests that blatantly tell you what to do.........................................the game forced me to read, READ (sarcasm) but the journal was a pos

No level scaling at all. ...........................................................only thing leveled in fallout3 was random encounters and i dont see it coming back cuz beth knows how much that system was hated

Magicka doesn't regenerate. ...................................................................... yeah was annoying as hell

Blessings from altars cost money. ....................................................................... churches want money?!? just like in real life

You can fail at casting or attacking. ...................................................................... ok with this one

Leveling up increases attatck precision, not damage. .......................................................... disagree, weapons damage should increase with skill

No fast travel, forced to use immersive and fair silt strider system............................................................... i got lost a lot and found cool stuff

No magically essential NPCs. ..................................................... new vegas doesnt have them either

Given death bounty if you're wanted enough. ............................................................ should come back

NPCs don't magically know whats stolen. ............................................................ that because they were stupid, they didnt know anything about anything

Edited by hector530
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Guys ENOUGH with the debate between morrowind and oblivion. Theres nothing to argue that morrowind was harder then oblivion and that daggerfall was harder then morrowind. ITS A FACT. Anyone who played all of the three games would know. This topic was about if beth would continue going down with the complexity or not.
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Ok WTF is with all you A holes talking so much trash about a game no one has played that being said if you don't have any thing nice to say don't say anything at all. Furthermore mysticism was pointless . And they are adding smarter npcs/ beast/mobs that will require some or a lot of skill to kill also the opponents will fight differnt dodge your spells etc all I am saying is if you haven't played the game don't say anything bad about it and black ops is a great game it's a first person shooter that is heavy on multiplayer and none of the other CODd worth mentioning didn't have vehicles minus world at war


Last but not least stop effeing TROLLING


Beth has never made a game I didn't like

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The debate between MW and Oblivion is for Skyrim! We know there is a vast difference between both and some good and bad in each. Both are epic hands down! In order for us to have a realistic perception of Skyrim were need to have a history look into the improvements / disadvantages of the other games. Knowing MW was lore heavy made Oblivion more less immerse (to me). Oblivion had absolutely awesome graphics and combat and gameplay improvements, though not perfect as we know. Looking back helps us determine the future in a way.


Black ops!?! Why bother?

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