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Mass Effect 2 is better than Mass Effect



69 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the two did you prefer?

    • Mass Effect
    • Mass Effect 2
    • I liked both equally
    • I did not play both of the games

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The only bad one? Jacob. So flat and boring. I mean the only reason I remember him is because he was just... so bad.


Oh come on, Jacob is good as a bro but scary very in Femshep romance. The only romance that I would never do in a million years, even if you payed me. This is one of the reasons why I like Maleshep to Femshep.


Edit: Also to be fair, it was the fans who wanted a 'normal' person, with no problems. Look at what we got

Edited by brokenergy
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The only bad one? Jacob. So flat and boring. I mean the only reason I remember him is because he was just... so bad.


Oh come on, Jacob is good as a bro but scary very in Femshep romance. The only romance that I would never do in a million years, even if you payed me. This is one of the reasons why I like Maleshep to Femshep.


Edit: Also to be fair, it was the fans who wanted a 'normal' person, with no problems. Look at what we got

That's one cool thing about ME series. Every one has a different opinion about every character.

I had both male and femshep saves from ME1 to 2, ren and para.

I think Maleshep is the better paragon, while femshep does renegade best.

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Good for you hector, you didn't even gave a good explanatory reason like the op and neko did. Saying I don't like it because it sucks isn't a reason, it's whining. The targeting system is way off, the cool-down timer is bugged and the mako was ridiculous. You got give something more than that. Edited by brokenergy
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I first played the Mass Effect 2 demo, and I really enjoyed it. So, logically, I decided to buy Mass Effect first (for chronological purposes). The first impression that I had was that this game was really big. The second impression was that this was a game that I would be able to put a lot of time into (which I did indeed do). I loved the first Mass Effect (although certain parts could have been revised - namely the inventory). So, after I had nearly completed Mass Effect (i.e. all of the side quests - including that god-awful one where you must find the various mineral resources on the planets :sleep: ), I bought Mass Effect 2.


I was excited to play it, and play it I did. I loved the epic story, the combat, and the much improved inventory system, as well as some of the more "karma" neutral choices. But then something strange happened; I had beat all of the side quests (vanilla version, mind you), and the only left that I could do was to go through the Omega 4 relay, and the final mission. The last section of the game:

the Collector Base

was a well thought-out level, and it really had a feeling of boldness (that was somewhat lacking in Mass Effect). After I beat it, I noticed that I had only put about 36 hours into the entire game - about half of what I put into the first Mass Effect on my first play (keep in mind that these are both the vanilla versions of the games, so there was no added content in either of them).


I guess what I'm trying to say, is that while Mass Effect 2 felt like a much more action-intensive controllable movie (which is a good thing in my books), I still feel that the first Mass Effect lives up to it's name more - a Mass Effect.


Let's hope that BioWare makes ME3 the best of both. :thumbsup:




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the cool-down timer is bugged


You mean that problem where sometimes your gun would overheat and wouldn't cool down? Yeah. I hated that. Sure taught me to control my fire and not spray and pray though, something missing from ME2. :tongue:

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Yes that, I see that's a design fault and a horror bug. It would have worked better with the Mako or Hammerhead seeing that you can't find ammo for the big weapons on them. Much of the combat changes (I think) is best for the series as a whole. They could (maybe ME3) have also allowed us to upgrade our companion's gear like DA2 since they want companions to feel like people but I'm sure since both teams are in the same studio, some of DA2 ideas might pass on to the ME team. Edited by brokenergy
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:o Am I the only one who likes both? Lol! I liked the Mako exploration from the first game, but the second game's exploration was kind of... disappointing to me at first (then I started to like it). I honestly don't care if its an RPG or not I thought both games had a great story (there really aren't ANY new stories if you say that all ancient evil rises again stories are the same, almost everything today is based off other ideas. I think otherwise saying maybe they do have the same basic themes, but definitely not the same stories) and were fun for me to play. (And honestly what is an RPG today? I think any game where you can make different decisions that can effect the game is an RPG now, and that would make these games RPGs right?) That's all just my opinion, so no need to hate on them (Sorry if it seemed like I did that to other people, I was just trying to show what I thought in comparison)


Annnddd I forgot... in ME2 the armors and weapons were so few! But they were still cool, just...few...

Edited by K00L
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