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New Game Carryover


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New Game Carryover:


When starting a NEW GAME, many games allow the player to carry over skills, perks, levels, armor, weapons, etc (like Mass Effect). For example, as the player’s conversation skills are repeatedly carried over & increased, there are new dialogues that occur – that may never happen when starting over (at zero) for the NNNth time.


Please not argue over the rationale -- it should be obvious that much of the game is running around learning & acquiring stuff which is boring to lots of folks (especially me) -- and a smaller percentage of the game is actually doing the quests. To each their own, but quests are the “meat” of the game for many. Yes, there are console cheats, etc -- but that takes lots of time…and doesn’t reflect accurately what was previously earned.


May I suggest during mod install:


There is a reminder to equip EVERYTHING the player wants to carry over from the LAST saved game. Console TGM may be required to handle the weight.


Have a list of checkboxes of things the player wants to carry over into the new game:


  • ALL


  • Levels
  • Perks
  • Weapons
  • Armor
  • *
  • *
  • MISC


Then when the new game starts (at Helgen):


The player has all the previous skills, levels, & perks – but no inventory. When he gets to the gates of Riverwood, there are several chests which correspond to the above items.


Thanks for your consideration.

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