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Complete Download Reset


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Robin, you're my hero for all you do for us here. However, your note says it only affects files that were uploaded or edited in the last week. It seems to affect more--maybe everybody. For example, Jenny's Waterfall Cottage mod was over 400 yesterday and is in the 300's today. Unless the update info has also been corrupted, it hasn't been updated since October. Also, I believe the Cyrodiil Terrain Map V21 (which hasn't been updated since April) was something over 39,000 yesterday and it's in the 37,000's today.


Thanks again for what you do. I guess this is just one more headache.

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Perhaps the text is mis-leading but the line "This has only affected those people who have uploaded or edited their files in the past week." was relating to the line above it; "The restore is now complete and you can reupload/edit your files as necessary again.".


All stats are reset to Nov 26th, files were only lost for files over the past week.

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It appears that the data wipe may have been worse that we thought. In trying to rebuild one of my mods on TES Source, I found that I couldn't upload the necessary screenshots! I've found a temporary work-around that may be useful to others. I'm not sure if the Dark0ne can do a global fix or not.



Some people have been able to solve the problem by changing the filename of the screenshot file (on your computer) while using the previous extension (for example: changing "HillPark.jpg" to "WackyHP.jpg"). You get the idea. Since this is easier than Plan B, you might try this first.



If plan A didn't work for you, you can try what I had to do. It's a bit awkward, but it worked. In trying to re-update my mod "No Quest Markers", I tried to upload a screenshot but got the error message "No Quest Markers-1.jpg already exits". Of course it didn't, so there was no listing of screenshots to delete. So, what I did was upload dummy .gif files to take the place of the two imaginary .jpg files. Then I could upload the real screenshot, since it was now seen as "No Quest Markers-3.jpg" and there hadn't been a "...-3.jpg" before. Once it was in place, I could delete the dummy .gifs. BTW, when I tried to upload a .png file, I got an error message stating that only ".jpg, .gif, and .png files are allowed". Strange.

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This is happening because the files didn't get whiped, only the database information. The easiest fix is to slightly change your file name within the database i.e. if your file is called "My House" change it to "My House!" or " My House" or something...
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The easiest fix is to slightly change your file name within the database i.e. if your file is called "My House" change it to "My House!" or " My House" or something...

Exactly--Plan A




I sent you an email concerning missing instructions for the mod "Cyrodiil Terrain Map V21". Users with modified UI's are not seeing the maps in game. The fix, as I described in the email, is relatively simple. Since comments are blocked for that mod, I can't post them that way. I want to help. Let me know how. BTW, I do realize you've been a little bit busy with the database wipe.

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Exactly--Plan A


NO. Plan A involves changing the file name of the screenshot, my fix involves changing the file name of the MOD itself in the database; the actual value "filename" in the form field when you edit the mod.

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