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I have a challenge for you Mod makers. Daedra inspired homes. Interested?


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Here you are the Dragonborn going around Skyrim with a Daedric weapon of choice. Your a champion and your reward is a weapon... why not make it sweeter.


Each of the Deadra Princes have their own realms in Oblivion so why can't the champion visit. This can be done via a spell or with use of a magical artifact like Familiar Face's Portal Stone. When used you teleport to a player house in your chosen Daedric Realm.


Sheogorath's realm of the Shivering Isles this house could be very beautiful and stunning work of art on one side, the other near chaotic I'm thinking of steps going off in random directions maybe doorways furniture on walls or ceiling. I real fun house!


Azura's realm of Moonshadow It is a giant garden full of roses, a city of silver, and breathtaking vistas brimming with waterfalls, flowers, and majestic trees where the wind and rain carry heady perfumes, and the colors blur. The goddess herself resides in a palace of roses. The realm holds such beauty that it makes mortals half blind.


Boethiah's realm the plane has been renamed many times by Boethiah for unknown reasons and is described as a country of labyrinthine policies and betrayals. It is known to be full of many maze gardens and twisted towers


Well by now you get the idea from the Elderscrolls Wiki there are 11 realms of the Daedric Princes that we mere mortals know about. This could be a fun contest to have see who can create a little piece of Oblivian for our use.


​Are you up to the challenge?

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How would one even go about doing this? Are there any textures or buildings in the CK for daedric realms? Is it possible to design new buildings and building parts for the CK? I'm guessing you could steal textures from Oblivion but, I'd be curious to know if its possible to recreate the buildings and how.
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Well the mod The Gray Cowl of nocturnal seems to have it's own textures. Very beautiful work by MannyGT.


Some of the Daedric Realms I don't think would need all that much. Then again I'm not a Modder I tried and it's just confusing for me. Maybe if I had someone explain things, but that's another topic.


It really is up to how much or little the Modder can do. I just noticed that of all the ideas there don't seem to be any Daedric inspired places.

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Well the mod The Gray Cowl of nocturnal seems to have it's own textures. Very beautiful work by MannyGT.


Some of the Daedric Realms I don't think would need all that much. Then again I'm not a Modder I tried and it's just confusing for me. Maybe if I had someone explain things, but that's another topic.


It really is up to how much or little the Modder can do. I just noticed that of all the ideas there don't seem to be any Daedric inspired places.

I've seen non skyrim looking buildings but, I have no idea how they are made. The textures I know can be customized but, I don't know anything about the structures. That would be the hard part.


The building part is actually quite easy. There's nothing complicated about slapping things together and decorating. You can lean how to build a cell, land and link interior spaces in all of abour three ten minute videos. The hard stuff is coding stuff that moves like flying homes and carriages.


If you could get the textures and architecture of daedric realms imported and or recreated, you could build most of it your self.

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If I had the knowledge and skill to do it. I would, maybe I mess around with the creation kit.


To make something like a pocket of Oblivion well... I'm not foolish enough to think I can do it.


A simple one would be a hunting lodge in a grove Heck I think someone did something along those lines already Hunting Grounds by Kewin568. You blow a horn and it teleports you to Hircine's Hunting Ground. Just need a place to live and bingo. Heck for the style just have it as a campground tent and all.


Sanguine seems to have a hundred thousand pleasure pockets. A simple player home there could be a Bar/Tavern or even a strip joint.


Evergloam for Nocturnal would be harder, again perhaps a cabin in the Crow's Woods?


Those are just examples of ideas the oblivion realm could hold for an interesting player home.

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That stuff is easy. You just load up the CK and find the cell you want then start moving crap around. The only complicated stuff as far as design is linking doors and sending npcs places with in the navmesh. It all looks really complicated but most of its just its very simple. Unfortunately most of the tutorials leave things out or scatter the information though out very boring and dry endlessly over detailed step by steps. Then you end up getting a headache sorting out all the useless crap.


It really requires no talent at all. Obviously some talented people work wonders but, none is "needed" to do what your talking about. How good it looks depends on how much time you put in and you're sense of artistic direction really.

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