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Fallout 4 announced with teaser trailer


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In response to post #26169259.




The1Whistler wrote:

Ok, I hoped that was the case! Thanks for reply m8!

Is this correct? I have tried googling this but I can't seem to find anything to back this up! Does anyone have a link to this info? Thanks in advance!

No, no, no, no, NO!!!! Zenimax insisted Fallout 4 be optimised for LAST-GEN consoles (Xbox360, PS3) on the dumb assumption that when released, a good chunk of its profits would come from those platforms. A game released 2.5 to 3 years AFTER the PS4, designed to run on the RAM and GPU of an Xbox360- this is the worst possible scenario.


The trailer was horrid- dull assets and rubbish storytelling, since we've all already played Fallout 3 and Fallout:NV, so we don't need to be given a wholly GENERIC introduction to the world of Fallout.


This project feels STALE- like a team who'd rather have been revisiting Elder Scrolls rather than taking a trip back to 1950s America. And given the coding team were obviously forced to continue to work with an engine that could operate on a 1900XT (the ancient AMD/ATI tech in the Xbox360) with 512MB of RAM, the coders must've been BORED to death, and very uninspired indeed.


I was hoping more for a NEXT-GEN gameplay overhaul rather than fretting about the overall quality of the graphics, but we are clearly getting neither. The CPU of the Xbox360, again, was the limiting factor- so more physics and more interactive mechanisms were out of the question.


PS don't bother responding to point out that Bethesda has cancelled the Xbox360 version by now, or spent the last year inserting better MESH assets. Neither change the FACT that we are getting a game in 2016 that was wholly developed so it could run adequately on an Xbox360. This is a Producer/Managerial FAILURE of epic proportions.

Not a word of it, it is all the lost rambling of someone who is not informed and obviously grumpy about something.

Yeah, zanity is a bit off his rocker...the truth, conspiracies, insider information, yadda yadda...just another guy with a tin foil hat.


Tin foil hat..lol! I know a lot of people are not very happy about some of the news we have been getting lately.. some I understand, others not so much.. just had to make sure this wasn't the case, because I've waited a long time for a new Fallout game! Well we all have I guess.



PC gamers in general don't want to be happy about anything. They get their joy out of complaining about stuff and somehow thinking that lowering the value of other things means they have more value themselves... Sigh...



Not to be confused with gamers that just love games, and just so happen to choose a PC because it best fits their personal needs, those guys are cool. The PC in 'PC Gamer' should never be more important than the Gamer in 'PC Gamer'.

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In response to post #26169259.




The1Whistler wrote:

Ok, I hoped that was the case! Thanks for reply m8!

Is this correct? I have tried googling this but I can't seem to find anything to back this up! Does anyone have a link to this info? Thanks in advance!

No, no, no, no, NO!!!! Zenimax insisted Fallout 4 be optimised for LAST-GEN consoles (Xbox360, PS3) on the dumb assumption that when released, a good chunk of its profits would come from those platforms. A game released 2.5 to 3 years AFTER the PS4, designed to run on the RAM and GPU of an Xbox360- this is the worst possible scenario.


The trailer was horrid- dull assets and rubbish storytelling, since we've all already played Fallout 3 and Fallout:NV, so we don't need to be given a wholly GENERIC introduction to the world of Fallout.


This project feels STALE- like a team who'd rather have been revisiting Elder Scrolls rather than taking a trip back to 1950s America. And given the coding team were obviously forced to continue to work with an engine that could operate on a 1900XT (the ancient AMD/ATI tech in the Xbox360) with 512MB of RAM, the coders must've been BORED to death, and very uninspired indeed.


I was hoping more for a NEXT-GEN gameplay overhaul rather than fretting about the overall quality of the graphics, but we are clearly getting neither. The CPU of the Xbox360, again, was the limiting factor- so more physics and more interactive mechanisms were out of the question.


PS don't bother responding to point out that Bethesda has cancelled the Xbox360 version by now, or spent the last year inserting better MESH assets. Neither change the FACT that we are getting a game in 2016 that was wholly developed so it could run adequately on an Xbox360. This is a Producer/Managerial FAILURE of epic proportions.

Not a word of it, it is all the lost rambling of someone who is not informed and obviously grumpy about something.

Yeah, zanity is a bit off his rocker...the truth, conspiracies, insider information, yadda yadda...just another guy with a tin foil hat.


Tin foil hat..lol! I know a lot of people are not very happy about some of the news we have been getting lately.. some I understand, others not so much.. just had to make sure this wasn't the case, because I've waited a long time for a new Fallout game! Well we all have I guess.



PC gamers in general don't want to be happy about anything. They get their joy out of complaining about stuff and somehow thinking that lowering the value of other things means they have more value themselves... Sigh...



Not to be confused with gamers that just love games, and just so happen to choose a PC because it best fits their personal needs, those guys are cool. The PC in 'PC Gamer' should never be more important than the Gamer in 'PC Gamer'.


Yeah I get what you're saying, although I don't know if the console gamers are anything better though.. All my friends are console gamers and no one argues more than them! Lol! But of course, they're all Sony and Microsoft fan boys so that might explain it..

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In response to post #26152804. #26160334, #26167244, #26167844, #26169834, #26170174, #26174459, #26176529, #26182189, #26185329 are all replies on the same post.

nivea wrote: You start the game with a f*#@ing family, are you kidding me?! Where is the freedom of role play in THAT, I am extremely disappointed.

You are a middle aged M/F, straight, married, with a BABY. But you do not play as the baby, no you play the middle aged married parent.

I feel like a I am so done with FO4 and I havent even gotten to play it.... NONE of my character styles can fit into that little set up. I am very sad right now.... I had high hopes I could even try to get past the voice acting, but really you start with a family. *SIGH*
VWgolfR1 wrote: Where the hell is that family in the game other than in the first minutes when you get a glimpse of the pre-war era? You're all alone after the war and you make up your own future. I honestly feel sorry for you, because I'm gonna enjoy my brains out and maybe there's something for you too.
Also, times are changing and voiced protagonists have become deeply rooted by now. I also have second thoughts about that so I don't doubt there will be a mod that changes it.

KiCHo666 wrote: Well, you can always made up story in your mind even with family and baby.
I did the same thing with courier in NV.
nivea wrote: Yes you COULD make up a story about having a wife and child who died, what a great CHOICE that would be you could make. :)

When does it show up in game, please they did not make that baby with all the face gen of both its parents just to never show up again in game. MAJOR waste of resources, they could have just changed her skin tone only if that was the case.

You KNOW the daughter is going to show up later in the story line, and more then likely be angry at the main character for abandoning her and the other parent.. She will even be involved with the "bad guys", for extra drama and moral choices thing.

Really if this where a closed world linear story (ala Mass Effect, Bioshock, Saints Row, ECT) then I would have NO issue at all, but I do not buy a TES or Fallout game with a "open, free choice world" only to have no choice at all in my character.

Where is the harm in that, wanting to make my own character and my own story? In a game that says you have the "freedom" to do that?

I kinda feel bad for you actually if your so happy to accept that after all these kinda of games with all this freedom, you feel happy to have a voiced character with a major important backstory to that character already made.

That is the whole beauty of the TES and Fallout series compared to other games, you can make your own character and own story without having the game makers step on your toes so many times.

I only have real issue with voicing because it sounds like generic middle aged white gruff guy number 1000000000 (the woman I find a bit annoying, but that is a personal taste issue), a couple more choices would have been nice. Also the fact that you will get less choices in game because of it (gotta stick to the butdget after all), and that mods will now have to feature a silent main character while the rest of the game is voiced.
amd64gamer wrote: And then, the mods to change the voice shows up... 8-)
nivea wrote: Yes... someone is going to go through the thousands of dialog and revoice them, have to admit that has never happened to any of the games I have modded for. Someone revoicing vanilla content that is. o_O
digitaltrucker wrote: The Fallout series have NEVER been open-world-do-anything-you-want. There's always been a backstory to the character and it always ties into the main quest. FO and TES are two different things.
NDDragor wrote: Your family is dead and you come out of the vault 200 years later. So you can start all over and forget about the first minutes of gameplay. And I am sure that there will be several alternative start mods.
KiCHo666 wrote: Well, Todd kept repeating how player's freedom and do-what-you-want was their number 1 priority, so....Yes, I'm being cynical.

Todd also mentioned how baby will look like his/her parents, so it mean either:
1. You are the baby, but older.
2. You are a father/mother and you will eventually meet your daughter/son later in game.

I bet it's the second one.

I also doubt ANYONE will bother to voice 13000 lines without it sounding like an ass.

Yeah, I'm not seeing the issue here.. As others have pointed out, you can likely make up your own story when you're done with the pre-war intro.

Also, given what we know - which is that the PC is the ONLY survivor of that vault (likely via cryogenics or sth. like that) I highly doubt that likelihood of the PC family surviving (if we're assuming that you're indeed one of the parents). I mean let's look at our options here:

1. Only you get into the vault. Your husband/wife and the baby die.
2. You all get into the vault but there's a malfunction at some point and they decide to put you into a cryogenic sleep chamber. Same result.

I can't see it being any probable that your family survives 200 years without being cybernetically enhanced, put in some life-support chamber like Mr. House or anything like that. I mean, meeting a descendant of yours? Maybe, but your exact family? How are they gonna pull that off?

I see even less possibilites if the PC was actually the baby. I'd also much prefer it this way. I don't want some kitschy family reunion bullshit.

Now, the VA/subtitle thing on the other hand.. that's more of an issue if you ask me. At least if there isn't a subtitle option like in the last games. Edited by JianXintou
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And as every bethesda's fallout release there shall be whining with pointless argument from people who will end up buying the game anyway.


Talking about whinning, at the E3 they didn't even mentionened New vegas like, like if it never existed. I hope they've learned a lesson or two from obsidian and that we're going to have complexes quests and ambiguous moral choices.

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In response to post #26205199.

savagesouls wrote: And as every bethesda's fallout release there shall be whining with pointless argument from people who will end up buying the game anyway.

Talking about whinning, at the E3 they didn't even mentionened New vegas like, like if it never existed. I hope they've learned a lesson or two from obsidian and that we're going to have complexes quests and ambiguous moral choices.

I would assume they have at least learned some things with the new implementations/design choices that were clearly inspired in part by foundations laid by New Vegas and mods of New Vegas.
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In response to post #26152804. #26160334, #26167244, #26167844, #26169834, #26170174, #26174459, #26176529, #26182189, #26185329, #26203729 are all replies on the same post.

nivea wrote: You start the game with a f*#@ing family, are you kidding me?! Where is the freedom of role play in THAT, I am extremely disappointed.

You are a middle aged M/F, straight, married, with a BABY. But you do not play as the baby, no you play the middle aged married parent.

I feel like a I am so done with FO4 and I havent even gotten to play it.... NONE of my character styles can fit into that little set up. I am very sad right now.... I had high hopes I could even try to get past the voice acting, but really you start with a family. *SIGH*
VWgolfR1 wrote: Where the hell is that family in the game other than in the first minutes when you get a glimpse of the pre-war era? You're all alone after the war and you make up your own future. I honestly feel sorry for you, because I'm gonna enjoy my brains out and maybe there's something for you too.
Also, times are changing and voiced protagonists have become deeply rooted by now. I also have second thoughts about that so I don't doubt there will be a mod that changes it.

KiCHo666 wrote: Well, you can always made up story in your mind even with family and baby.
I did the same thing with courier in NV.
nivea wrote: Yes you COULD make up a story about having a wife and child who died, what a great CHOICE that would be you could make. :)

When does it show up in game, please they did not make that baby with all the face gen of both its parents just to never show up again in game. MAJOR waste of resources, they could have just changed her skin tone only if that was the case.

You KNOW the daughter is going to show up later in the story line, and more then likely be angry at the main character for abandoning her and the other parent.. She will even be involved with the "bad guys", for extra drama and moral choices thing.

Really if this where a closed world linear story (ala Mass Effect, Bioshock, Saints Row, ECT) then I would have NO issue at all, but I do not buy a TES or Fallout game with a "open, free choice world" only to have no choice at all in my character.

Where is the harm in that, wanting to make my own character and my own story? In a game that says you have the "freedom" to do that?

I kinda feel bad for you actually if your so happy to accept that after all these kinda of games with all this freedom, you feel happy to have a voiced character with a major important backstory to that character already made.

That is the whole beauty of the TES and Fallout series compared to other games, you can make your own character and own story without having the game makers step on your toes so many times.

I only have real issue with voicing because it sounds like generic middle aged white gruff guy number 1000000000 (the woman I find a bit annoying, but that is a personal taste issue), a couple more choices would have been nice. Also the fact that you will get less choices in game because of it (gotta stick to the butdget after all), and that mods will now have to feature a silent main character while the rest of the game is voiced.
amd64gamer wrote: And then, the mods to change the voice shows up... 8-)
nivea wrote: Yes... someone is going to go through the thousands of dialog and revoice them, have to admit that has never happened to any of the games I have modded for. Someone revoicing vanilla content that is. o_O
digitaltrucker wrote: The Fallout series have NEVER been open-world-do-anything-you-want. There's always been a backstory to the character and it always ties into the main quest. FO and TES are two different things.
NDDragor wrote: Your family is dead and you come out of the vault 200 years later. So you can start all over and forget about the first minutes of gameplay. And I am sure that there will be several alternative start mods.
KiCHo666 wrote: Well, Todd kept repeating how player's freedom and do-what-you-want was their number 1 priority, so....Yes, I'm being cynical.

Todd also mentioned how baby will look like his/her parents, so it mean either:
1. You are the baby, but older.
2. You are a father/mother and you will eventually meet your daughter/son later in game.

I bet it's the second one.

I also doubt ANYONE will bother to voice 13000 lines without it sounding like an ass.
JianXintou wrote: Yeah, I'm not seeing the issue here.. As others have pointed out, you can likely make up your own story when you're done with the pre-war intro.

Also, given what we know - which is that the PC is the ONLY survivor of that vault (likely via cryogenics or sth. like that) I highly doubt that likelihood of the PC family surviving (if we're assuming that you're indeed one of the parents). I mean let's look at our options here:

1. Only you get into the vault. Your husband/wife and the baby die.
2. You all get into the vault but there's a malfunction at some point and they decide to put you into a cryogenic sleep chamber. Same result.

I can't see it being any probable that your family survives 200 years without being cybernetically enhanced, put in some life-support chamber like Mr. House or anything like that. I mean, meeting a descendant of yours? Maybe, but your exact family? How are they gonna pull that off?

I see even less possibilites if the PC was actually the baby. I'd also much prefer it this way. I don't want some kitschy family reunion bullshit.

Now, the VA/subtitle thing on the other hand.. that's more of an issue if you ask me. At least if there isn't a subtitle option like in the last games.

I dont know, even tho Todd said that the player is gonna be the sole survivor, im pretty sure there's gonna be a story-twist with the baby. I mean he mentioned that the baby is gonna be generated on the player-characters and his/hers wifes/mans face. So im pretty sure there will be a point in the story where this feature takes effect. Anyways im super hyped and couldnt be more happy with what i saw. The simple fact that they've included so much of my favourite mods, will make the game absolutely enjoyable and entertaining. And by ealry 2016 the creationkit v2.0?! and hopefully F4SE/FASE are gonna show up and i know theres gonna be even more and better mods for this game than for skyrim.

Oh and btw, im sure theres also gonna be mods that alter the beginning of the game, for those who really cant handle the fact of being married with children^^
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In response to post #26205199. #26206574 is also a reply to the same post.

savagesouls wrote: And as every bethesda's fallout release there shall be whining with pointless argument from people who will end up buying the game anyway.

Talking about whinning, at the E3 they didn't even mentionened New vegas like, like if it never existed. I hope they've learned a lesson or two from obsidian and that we're going to have complexes quests and ambiguous moral choices.
JianXintou wrote: I would assume they have at least learned some things with the new implementations/design choices that were clearly inspired in part by foundations laid by New Vegas and mods of New Vegas.

yes this can be a nice thing and also the dialogues looks like a lot like what bioware did with mass effect and dragon ages !
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In response to post #26205199. #26206574, #26208394 are all replies on the same post.

savagesouls wrote: And as every bethesda's fallout release there shall be whining with pointless argument from people who will end up buying the game anyway.

Talking about whinning, at the E3 they didn't even mentionened New vegas like, like if it never existed. I hope they've learned a lesson or two from obsidian and that we're going to have complexes quests and ambiguous moral choices.
JianXintou wrote: I would assume they have at least learned some things with the new implementations/design choices that were clearly inspired in part by foundations laid by New Vegas and mods of New Vegas.
savagesouls wrote: yes this can be a nice thing and also the dialogues looks like a lot like what bioware did with mass effect and dragon ages !

That is honestly one of the biggest points of contention IMO.

I'm not very appreciative of that "choose a 4-6 word sentence and your character says 15 lines" dialogue. Plus - as probably half the modding community has pointed out - it's going to be a topic that we'll have to deal with at some point, i.e. do we want to have VA but sometimes not? Do we disable the VA and then maybe just have those dialogue options? If there are no comprehensive subtitles, will someone mod them into the game? How will mods utilize this system? Edited by JianXintou
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In response to post #26152804. #26160334, #26167244, #26167844, #26169834, #26170174, #26174459, #26176529, #26182189, #26185329, #26203729, #26206854 are all replies on the same post.

nivea wrote: You start the game with a f*#@ing family, are you kidding me?! Where is the freedom of role play in THAT, I am extremely disappointed.

You are a middle aged M/F, straight, married, with a BABY. But you do not play as the baby, no you play the middle aged married parent.

I feel like a I am so done with FO4 and I havent even gotten to play it.... NONE of my character styles can fit into that little set up. I am very sad right now.... I had high hopes I could even try to get past the voice acting, but really you start with a family. *SIGH*
VWgolfR1 wrote: Where the hell is that family in the game other than in the first minutes when you get a glimpse of the pre-war era? You're all alone after the war and you make up your own future. I honestly feel sorry for you, because I'm gonna enjoy my brains out and maybe there's something for you too.
Also, times are changing and voiced protagonists have become deeply rooted by now. I also have second thoughts about that so I don't doubt there will be a mod that changes it.

KiCHo666 wrote: Well, you can always made up story in your mind even with family and baby.
I did the same thing with courier in NV.
nivea wrote: Yes you COULD make up a story about having a wife and child who died, what a great CHOICE that would be you could make. :)

When does it show up in game, please they did not make that baby with all the face gen of both its parents just to never show up again in game. MAJOR waste of resources, they could have just changed her skin tone only if that was the case.

You KNOW the daughter is going to show up later in the story line, and more then likely be angry at the main character for abandoning her and the other parent.. She will even be involved with the "bad guys", for extra drama and moral choices thing.

Really if this where a closed world linear story (ala Mass Effect, Bioshock, Saints Row, ECT) then I would have NO issue at all, but I do not buy a TES or Fallout game with a "open, free choice world" only to have no choice at all in my character.

Where is the harm in that, wanting to make my own character and my own story? In a game that says you have the "freedom" to do that?

I kinda feel bad for you actually if your so happy to accept that after all these kinda of games with all this freedom, you feel happy to have a voiced character with a major important backstory to that character already made.

That is the whole beauty of the TES and Fallout series compared to other games, you can make your own character and own story without having the game makers step on your toes so many times.

I only have real issue with voicing because it sounds like generic middle aged white gruff guy number 1000000000 (the woman I find a bit annoying, but that is a personal taste issue), a couple more choices would have been nice. Also the fact that you will get less choices in game because of it (gotta stick to the butdget after all), and that mods will now have to feature a silent main character while the rest of the game is voiced.
amd64gamer wrote: And then, the mods to change the voice shows up... 8-)
nivea wrote: Yes... someone is going to go through the thousands of dialog and revoice them, have to admit that has never happened to any of the games I have modded for. Someone revoicing vanilla content that is. o_O
digitaltrucker wrote: The Fallout series have NEVER been open-world-do-anything-you-want. There's always been a backstory to the character and it always ties into the main quest. FO and TES are two different things.
NDDragor wrote: Your family is dead and you come out of the vault 200 years later. So you can start all over and forget about the first minutes of gameplay. And I am sure that there will be several alternative start mods.
KiCHo666 wrote: Well, Todd kept repeating how player's freedom and do-what-you-want was their number 1 priority, so....Yes, I'm being cynical.

Todd also mentioned how baby will look like his/her parents, so it mean either:
1. You are the baby, but older.
2. You are a father/mother and you will eventually meet your daughter/son later in game.

I bet it's the second one.

I also doubt ANYONE will bother to voice 13000 lines without it sounding like an ass.
JianXintou wrote: Yeah, I'm not seeing the issue here.. As others have pointed out, you can likely make up your own story when you're done with the pre-war intro.

Also, given what we know - which is that the PC is the ONLY survivor of that vault (likely via cryogenics or sth. like that) I highly doubt that likelihood of the PC family surviving (if we're assuming that you're indeed one of the parents). I mean let's look at our options here:

1. Only you get into the vault. Your husband/wife and the baby die.
2. You all get into the vault but there's a malfunction at some point and they decide to put you into a cryogenic sleep chamber. Same result.

I can't see it being any probable that your family survives 200 years without being cybernetically enhanced, put in some life-support chamber like Mr. House or anything like that. I mean, meeting a descendant of yours? Maybe, but your exact family? How are they gonna pull that off?

I see even less possibilites if the PC was actually the baby. I'd also much prefer it this way. I don't want some kitschy family reunion bullshit.

Now, the VA/subtitle thing on the other hand.. that's more of an issue if you ask me. At least if there isn't a subtitle option like in the last games.
silant wrote: I dont know, even tho Todd said that the player is gonna be the sole survivor, im pretty sure there's gonna be a story-twist with the baby. I mean he mentioned that the baby is gonna be generated on the player-characters and his/hers wifes/mans face. So im pretty sure there will be a point in the story where this feature takes effect. Anyways im super hyped and couldnt be more happy with what i saw. The simple fact that they've included so much of my favourite mods, will make the game absolutely enjoyable and entertaining. And by ealry 2016 the creationkit v2.0?! and hopefully F4SE/FASE are gonna show up and i know theres gonna be even more and better mods for this game than for skyrim.

Oh and btw, im sure theres also gonna be mods that alter the beginning of the game, for those who really cant handle the fact of being married with children^^

Idk, it's possible. I just think it's illogical and honestly, it would seem a bit pander-y. "Oh hey look a baby WE HAVE TO MAKE THIS A PIVOT POINT IN THE STORY!"
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In response to post #26152804. #26160334, #26167244, #26167844, #26169834, #26170174, #26174459, #26176529, #26182189, #26185329, #26203729, #26206854, #26210604 are all replies on the same post.

nivea wrote: You start the game with a f*#@ing family, are you kidding me?! Where is the freedom of role play in THAT, I am extremely disappointed.

You are a middle aged M/F, straight, married, with a BABY. But you do not play as the baby, no you play the middle aged married parent.

I feel like a I am so done with FO4 and I havent even gotten to play it.... NONE of my character styles can fit into that little set up. I am very sad right now.... I had high hopes I could even try to get past the voice acting, but really you start with a family. *SIGH*
VWgolfR1 wrote: Where the hell is that family in the game other than in the first minutes when you get a glimpse of the pre-war era? You're all alone after the war and you make up your own future. I honestly feel sorry for you, because I'm gonna enjoy my brains out and maybe there's something for you too.
Also, times are changing and voiced protagonists have become deeply rooted by now. I also have second thoughts about that so I don't doubt there will be a mod that changes it.

KiCHo666 wrote: Well, you can always made up story in your mind even with family and baby.
I did the same thing with courier in NV.
nivea wrote: Yes you COULD make up a story about having a wife and child who died, what a great CHOICE that would be you could make. :)

When does it show up in game, please they did not make that baby with all the face gen of both its parents just to never show up again in game. MAJOR waste of resources, they could have just changed her skin tone only if that was the case.

You KNOW the daughter is going to show up later in the story line, and more then likely be angry at the main character for abandoning her and the other parent.. She will even be involved with the "bad guys", for extra drama and moral choices thing.

Really if this where a closed world linear story (ala Mass Effect, Bioshock, Saints Row, ECT) then I would have NO issue at all, but I do not buy a TES or Fallout game with a "open, free choice world" only to have no choice at all in my character.

Where is the harm in that, wanting to make my own character and my own story? In a game that says you have the "freedom" to do that?

I kinda feel bad for you actually if your so happy to accept that after all these kinda of games with all this freedom, you feel happy to have a voiced character with a major important backstory to that character already made.

That is the whole beauty of the TES and Fallout series compared to other games, you can make your own character and own story without having the game makers step on your toes so many times.

I only have real issue with voicing because it sounds like generic middle aged white gruff guy number 1000000000 (the woman I find a bit annoying, but that is a personal taste issue), a couple more choices would have been nice. Also the fact that you will get less choices in game because of it (gotta stick to the butdget after all), and that mods will now have to feature a silent main character while the rest of the game is voiced.
amd64gamer wrote: And then, the mods to change the voice shows up... 8-)
nivea wrote: Yes... someone is going to go through the thousands of dialog and revoice them, have to admit that has never happened to any of the games I have modded for. Someone revoicing vanilla content that is. o_O
digitaltrucker wrote: The Fallout series have NEVER been open-world-do-anything-you-want. There's always been a backstory to the character and it always ties into the main quest. FO and TES are two different things.
NDDragor wrote: Your family is dead and you come out of the vault 200 years later. So you can start all over and forget about the first minutes of gameplay. And I am sure that there will be several alternative start mods.
KiCHo666 wrote: Well, Todd kept repeating how player's freedom and do-what-you-want was their number 1 priority, so....Yes, I'm being cynical.

Todd also mentioned how baby will look like his/her parents, so it mean either:
1. You are the baby, but older.
2. You are a father/mother and you will eventually meet your daughter/son later in game.

I bet it's the second one.

I also doubt ANYONE will bother to voice 13000 lines without it sounding like an ass.
JianXintou wrote: Yeah, I'm not seeing the issue here.. As others have pointed out, you can likely make up your own story when you're done with the pre-war intro.

Also, given what we know - which is that the PC is the ONLY survivor of that vault (likely via cryogenics or sth. like that) I highly doubt that likelihood of the PC family surviving (if we're assuming that you're indeed one of the parents). I mean let's look at our options here:

1. Only you get into the vault. Your husband/wife and the baby die.
2. You all get into the vault but there's a malfunction at some point and they decide to put you into a cryogenic sleep chamber. Same result.

I can't see it being any probable that your family survives 200 years without being cybernetically enhanced, put in some life-support chamber like Mr. House or anything like that. I mean, meeting a descendant of yours? Maybe, but your exact family? How are they gonna pull that off?

I see even less possibilites if the PC was actually the baby. I'd also much prefer it this way. I don't want some kitschy family reunion bullshit.

Now, the VA/subtitle thing on the other hand.. that's more of an issue if you ask me. At least if there isn't a subtitle option like in the last games.
silant wrote: I dont know, even tho Todd said that the player is gonna be the sole survivor, im pretty sure there's gonna be a story-twist with the baby. I mean he mentioned that the baby is gonna be generated on the player-characters and his/hers wifes/mans face. So im pretty sure there will be a point in the story where this feature takes effect. Anyways im super hyped and couldnt be more happy with what i saw. The simple fact that they've included so much of my favourite mods, will make the game absolutely enjoyable and entertaining. And by ealry 2016 the creationkit v2.0?! and hopefully F4SE/FASE are gonna show up and i know theres gonna be even more and better mods for this game than for skyrim.

Oh and btw, im sure theres also gonna be mods that alter the beginning of the game, for those who really cant handle the fact of being married with children^^
JianXintou wrote: Idk, it's possible. I just think it's illogical and honestly, it would seem a bit pander-y. "Oh hey look a baby WE HAVE TO MAKE THIS A PIVOT POINT IN THE STORY!"

No need to feel bad for me, because I'll be able to immerse myself in the game anyway.
Still remember the death of your dad in Fo3 and how great it was with your silent protagonist? That was one of the major moments where I wished it wouldn't have been so weird. Bottom line, they obviously want to tell a story with a voiced protagonist for a reason.
Blame also the current trend of voiced protagonists in all the major RPG's, which undoubtedly influenced this.

Yeah, the mods will feature that...because it has always been like that in fo/tes games. I have no problem with such mods, because a lot of you will want it; it sure looks that way.

And please, stop sounding like you know for sure what's going to happen in the story. That's annoying and you really need to sleep this over. Edited by VWgolfR1
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