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Are they really going to not allow nudity mods though? I heard about that before, they've allowed them since Oblivion, maybe even in Morrowind. Why start banning them now?




I haven't heard that.. but IF they do that, its probably because of them console kiddies. Lets face it.. this wouldn't be the first game ruined by consoles in whatever way.. I really, really hope they wise up and wont do that..


I wouldn't mind if they draw the line at nude body mods... and prevent prostitution mods... but just yesterday i was sucked into space again for the 51's time... (Fallout 3) and i was told that them aliens must really like me... because they even took all of my clothes.. Now wouldn't it be weird, not to say immersion breaking, if i still had my underwear on ? ...

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That'll probably only be for consoles. PC modding should continue as usual.


That'll probably only be for consoles. PC modding should continue as usual.



I really hope so dear... i really do.... ;)

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