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whats with all the Armalites?


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The AR-15/AR-10 is made by so many manufacturers and with so many variations that you cannot say that it "sucks" or has a "poorly designed gas system," especially considering that some of the newest variations don't have the same gas system as the original. Direct impingement (the system used on most AR's) is great for high accuracy in semi-automatic firearms and is only slightly worse for reliability. The issues with Vietnam era AR's was the lack of cleaning kits available, the classification as "self-cleaning", ammo that burned dirty, lack of a chrome lined bore, lack of a forward assist, and hellish conditions. AR's these days are issued with cleaning kits to troops and no sane gun owner wouldn't own one. The military upgraded the rifles by chrome lining the bore and adding the forward assist, combined with cleaner burning ammo, most of the issues were sorted out. AR's these days can run thousands of rounds without jamming when made by a quality manufacturer, and prices range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.
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you guys realize that the brand name doesn't mean @#$%, an AR is an AR. 97% of the the AR-10 and AR-15 models available in the US all milspec, that's right, BUILT TO MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS. There is a mere fractional (some thousandths of a percent) difference in the production tolerances of, say, a S&W and a DPMS.



More to the point, if you don't like the mods being made, don't use them. Make your own guns, if you really want to see a change.

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"The AR-15/AR-10 is made by so many manufacturers and with so many variations that you cannot say that it "sucks" or has a "poorly designed gas system," especially considering that some of the newest variations don't have the same gas system as the original. Direct impingement (the system used on most AR's) is great for high accuracy in semi-automatic firearms and is only slightly worse for reliability. The issues with Vietnam era AR's was the lack of cleaning kits available, the classification as "self-cleaning", ammo that burned dirty, lack of a chrome lined bore, lack of a forward assist, and hellish conditions. AR's these days are issued with cleaning kits to troops and no sane gun owner wouldn't own one. The military upgraded the rifles by chrome lining the bore and adding the forward assist, combined with cleaner burning ammo, most of the issues were sorted out. AR's these days can run thousands of rounds without jamming when made by a quality manufacturer, and prices range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars."


Kudos to you. Even a bottom rung $700 DPMS is a damn sight better than the Nam AR's. There are too many idiots that still believe the first runs of M-16s were made by Mattel, it's sad , really, such a reliable gun has such a poor reputation. Of course, given the bankroll to do so, I'd still rather have an ACR, a SCAR, or a Sig, but a mid-tier M4 refitted with a load of Magpul goodies is nothing to shake a stick at.

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The AR-15/AR-10 is made by so many manufacturers and with so many variations that you cannot say that it "sucks" or has a "poorly designed gas system," especially considering that some of the newest variations don't have the same gas system as the original. Direct impingement (the system used on most AR's) is great for high accuracy in semi-automatic firearms and is only slightly worse for reliability. The issues with Vietnam era AR's was the lack of cleaning kits available, the classification as "self-cleaning", ammo that burned dirty, lack of a chrome lined bore, lack of a forward assist, and hellish conditions. AR's these days are issued with cleaning kits to troops and no sane gun owner wouldn't own one. The military upgraded the rifles by chrome lining the bore and adding the forward assist, combined with cleaner burning ammo, most of the issues were sorted out. AR's these days can run thousands of rounds without jamming when made by a quality manufacturer, and prices range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

Actually... back in 2007 they tested the M4 against some newer rifles (M416, G36, and SCAR). M4 jammed 882 times, the M416 jammed 233 times, the SCAR jammed 226 times and the G36 jammed 127 times. So the M4 was... 3.8 times more likely to jam than the M416 (which is just an M4 with a piston-based gas system). So yes, the M16 does suck by today's standards.

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