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Seems like the land of Skyrim would be ripe with undead. It's possibly my least favorite class of monster, but I've got this stereotype in my head of the lone, powerful necromancer who heads north to ply his evil trade in solitude. The locals would be like "Don't go up Uttgrm Mountain, those that do are never seen again. Or worse, they are seen again!" But if I was that lone, powerful necro-guy, why the heck would I choose to make my zombie horde from boring vanilla races? Oh no! I would make frost giant zombies, grizzly bear zombies, woolly mammoth zombies. I'd even make rat zombies and the like to be my eyes and ears in my realm. Maybe even so you couldn't tell the little critter was a zombie until you got close, so it could pass undetected through towns and villages and report back to me where the finest maidens are! BuuHaHaHa! Erm, sorry, got carried away.


Of course, the Yeti (or some version of it) would have to make an appearance. And who else likes to live in the cold, high mountains? Duerger! (The Elder Scrolls, lore-friendly variety, naturally.) There is already a reference to the "Gray Beards." And if there's Duerger, there must be Dwemer! Whole Dwemer ruins. Perhaps the Duerger are pillaging the ruins for artifacts, or consider themselves caretakers and guards. Remember those sphere centurions from Morrowind? Those things freaked me out! Imagine whole ruins of such things. They could even appear to be part of the structure, unnoticed until they "unfolded" from the wall and attacked! Or until they dropped on your head from the ceiling, or rose from the floor, etc. You might even be in an otherwise nondescript cave, having no idea those seeming rocks over there are about to open up and rip you a new one.


And if you have volcanic vents, then there is a whole new class of subtropical fauna that could be introduced. "Lost lands" of reptiles and insects. Whole valleys full of dinosaurs and prehistoric giant dragonflys or mantis'. Even trees that want to eat you. Holy cow, the possibilities! Skyrim, by it's very nature, would be mostly unexplored by the "recent" races of Tamriel. There's no telling what could be over the next mountain, because no one has ever come back to report on it.


Oh, and let's not forget Fenris! Gotta have giant wolves gallivanting about, terrorizing the countryside and preying upon those poor yetis in their cave homes. And forget the hill giant and mountain giant clans - give me Storm Giants! Tall as a city building and mean as a junkyard dog.


I really could go on and on (Drow *cough* *cough*), but most of all, I think I'd like to see the Dwemer artifacts. It's the perfect setting for their technology to make a terrifying comeback, it's classic Elder Scrolls lore, and the possibilities there would add a whole new twist to spellunking in Tamriel. The Dwemer ruins in Morrowind were the coolest, scariest, most surreal places to explore. It was always amazing to step through that door and leave the medieval trappings of Tamriel behind and enter a world where steampunk ruled. In this case, the Nords would have good reason for the classic barbarian dislike of anything "new" or "technological" - it was usually trying to kill them!


Just reread the earlier posts. The first asked that a good description be used, not just names. For those of you who are unfamiliar with D&D and other mythologies (real or imagined): Duerger are evil dwarves. Drow are powerful evil elves that live underground. Yeti is another word for Abominable Snowman, or perhaps a high altitude version of the Sasquatch. Fenris is a mythological demigod in the shape of a giant wolf who is instrumental in the battle at the end of the world in classic Nordic mythos. As for trees that eat you, google "triffid." Oh, Nealus posted that there will be Dwemer ruins! Happy Day! I can only hope they live up to the potential! Wootz!

Edited by buzzbomb
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Seems like the land of Skyrim would be ripe with undead. It's possibly my least favorite class of monster, but I've got this stereotype in my head of the lone, powerful necromancer who heads north to ply his evil trade in solitude. The locals would be like "Don't go up Uttgrm Mountain, those that do are never seen again. Or worse, they are seen again!" But if I was that lone, powerful necro-guy, why the heck would I choose to make my zombie horde from boring vanilla races? Oh no! I would make frost giant zombies, grizzly bear zombies, woolly mammoth zombies. I'd even make rat zombies and the like to be my eyes and ears in my realm. Maybe even so you couldn't tell the little critter was a zombie until you got close, so it could pass undetected through towns and villages and report back to me where the finest maidens are! BuuHaHaHa! Erm, sorry, got carried away.


Of course, the Yeti (or some version of it) would have to make an appearance. And who else likes to live in the cold, high mountains? Duerger! (The Elder Scrolls, lore-friendly variety, naturally.) There is already a reference to the "Gray Beards." And if there's Duerger, there must be Dwemer! Whole Dwemer ruins. Perhaps the Duerger are pillaging the ruins for artifacts, or consider themselves caretakers and guards. Remember those sphere centurions from Morrowind? Those things freaked me out! Imagine whole ruins of such things. They could even appear to be part of the structure, unnoticed until they "unfolded" from the wall and attacked! Or until they dropped on your head from the ceiling, or rose from the floor, etc. You might even be in an otherwise nondescript cave, having no idea those seeming rocks over there are about to open up and rip you a new one.


And if you have volcanic vents, then there is a whole new class of subtropical fauna that could be introduced. "Lost lands" of reptiles and insects. Whole valleys full of dinosaurs and prehistoric giant dragonflys or mantis'. Even trees that want to eat you. Holy cow, the possibilities! Skyrim, by it's very nature, would be mostly unexplored by the "recent" races of Tamriel. There's no telling what could be over the next mountain, because no one has ever come back to report on it.


Oh, and let's not forget Fenris! Gotta have giant wolves gallivanting about, terrorizing the countryside and preying upon those poor yetis in their cave homes. And forget the hill giant and mountain giant clans - give me Storm Giants! Tall as a city building and mean as a junkyard dog.


I really could go on and on (Drow *cough* *cough*), but most of all, I think I'd like to see the Dwemer artifacts. It's the perfect setting for their technology to make a terrifying comeback, it's classic Elder Scrolls lore, and the possibilities there would add a whole new twist to spellunking in Tamriel. The Dwemer ruins in Morrowind were the coolest, scariest, most surreal places to explore. It was always amazing to step through that door and leave the medieval trappings of Tamriel behind and enter a world where steampunk ruled. In this case, the Nords would have good reason for the classic barbarian dislike of anything "new" or "technological" - it was usually trying to kill them!


Just reread the earlier posts. The first asked that a good description be used, not just names. For those of you who are unfamiliar with D&D and other mythologies (real or imagined): Duerger are evil dwarves. Drow are powerful evil elves that live underground. Yeti is another word for Abominable Snowman, or perhaps a high altitude version of the Sasquatch. Fenris is a mythological demigod in the shape of a giant wolf who is instrumental in the battle at the end of the world in classic Nordic mythos. As for trees that eat you, google "triffid." Oh, Nealus posted that there will be Dwemer ruins! Happy Day! I can only hope they live up to the potential! Wootz!

You could go on and on, and did. Thanks. Everytime your article gave me an idea it was already there in the next paragraph. But also (hah) got one of my own. I wanna spider that I can raise from an egg that lives in my basement and kills n' eats the robbers (another idea, seriously, my shack w/ gems and artifacts all over the floor is like fort Knox or somethin)that come looking for my legendary treasure trove. Also, that idea about lava vents was SWEET, never heard anyone even near that one yet. But also, another extreme, more freakin water animals. Tired of the "slaughterfish", and then of course "big slaughterfish", and the worst of them all, MUDCRABS! Seriously, I know octopusses might be hard, but seals and other (even non predatory, but to be hunted by me, the fisherman) fish live in the water sometimes.

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Cliffracers anyone? :P


Yes, and I say again Yes! I mean why not, after all the suspense of running around then you hear the battle music, you look around not to find anything, till you look up! AGH!


Cliff racers do go along with dragons if you think about tho, but Skyrim may be to cold for them since they are usually around the volcano in Morrowind.

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lIf we have Fenris we should maybe have a 8 legged horse, the child of Loki when he was in horse form. Whilst on the subject of horses how about The Wild Hunt. You would need to be at a particular place on a particular night when the gods would be let free to roam the earth in search of entertainment and blood.

Barrows! We need barrows, imagine having to CRAWL, with the weakness it suggests through randomly generated tunnels and coming up against ancient undead heroes who are determined to protect their horde! These would be real heroes, vicious and relentless and always levelled above you.

Stretching from nordic type mythology, what of barrows where the fair tribe (Welsh version of the fair folk) live, you could be entranced with joyous hallucinations, have your stats seriously damaged and come out at a random time into the game with less gear than when you went in. Oh how about elven types having a serious aversion to iron? It may not be universal in mythologies which feature fairies but I like the idea. Is it not curious that undead have weakness to silver but bear it in TES games, please solve that in the levelling lists.

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Not all the same everyone a cardboard cut-out not all the ,same color, same wepon/armor load out Hair stile color tone of skin. If they level with me then gain added abilitys ,I what at tenth level to say "Shite ...Who the Hades tought thoughs rats to barrow in to the ground and pop up and Fire ball me!"Heck it be a cool animation too ....



AND THERE MUST BE MiNaTAURS Great big mean and horny.

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Man, just about anything from any of the Monster Manuals would make me happy. Grab handfuls of 'em and toss them in the game. Midas Magic added a good few, under different names of course.
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Lots of undead in this one it seems. Dislike them as I used poisons a lot in Oblivion. And I can not be the only one to dislike the giant spiders coming. Agh......., hope some has a "anti-spider" mod planned or something.


Moving onto things I want to kill. Really hope they do somthing different with wolves, as they were one of the more common enemies in Oblivion. Also, really really really want to see what they do with Minotuars(sp?). Those guys were fun to fight.

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I would love to see more unique monsters. The Underfryke in Morrowind was INSANE, but when I saw it in Oblivion, it was just a troll. . .

They should at least make some uniquely textured creatures.


And in all honesty I would not mind seeing some cliffracers. No matter how annoying they were, they were still awesome.

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Man, just about anything from any of the Monster Manuals would make me happy. Grab handfuls of 'em and toss them in the game. Midas Magic added a good few, under different names of course.


Definitely more monster/creature lore. Any books I found in Oblivion that pertained to artifacts or Deadra, I had to read and try to archive them somehow.

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