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My monster wishlist:




-gient spider veriation[redback, funnelweb ect...]


-werewolves[like bloodmoon]

-gient insects[ wasps ect....]



also i woud like to see more haunted house or manors to adventure and make the ghosts scarier and more veriations.

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weresharks...thats all

Do you enjoy digging up old threads that have been dead for more than 8 months just to say something pointless? :rolleyes:

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I really would like to see creatures that really revamp your style of play upon encountering them.

Creatures that dont just swing at you or poison you. I want creativity & new or re-applied mechanics.


Sea Naids

After a lenghty dive to the bottom of Dranruse lake you realise you need to re-submerge for air.The sword at the bottom will have to wait for your next dive.

You head up to the surface when an eerie alluring song echos through the murk, you look in to the void to see dark phantomish beauties heading toward you. Your Oxygen is very low.

You continue swimming to the top and must make your way out of the lake.

The gouls are right below you, something tuggs on you and you sink slightly back into the water. you swim faster now. must reach the surface. the edges of your screen are turning black.

faster now.Another tug! as they pass by you each time the Naids drag you slightly back into the deep, inviting you to spend all eternity with them. You run out of air. and die.

(a lot like the Lord of the rings scene "Dont Follow The Lights!" in the dead marshes...)


Curious giants

These creatures roam around The low mountains, upon finding a creature of some sort, they chase it with all there might in a childish curioisity to play with it. Very gentle creatures they are not out to harm,eat, or destroy but they are extremely powerful and considered much more a nuisance then a threat. if they catch up to you (or any other) they will grab you by the legs and bring you back to there lair imprisoned.They are very gentle creatures and will not try to harm you, but accidents do happen. They will never fight to the death and upon being hurt will flee.

(Think 'Lenny' from Of Mice And men. He will divert you off course and imprison you, rather than kill you and make you respawn 15 min. prior. so technically....a fate worse than death LOL)


Gorgons & Hydras

Yes i know that The Elder Scrolls is not themed for Greek mythology, but greek mosters are SO CLEVERLY CREATED. how can you kill a creature you cant look at? How do you slay a beast wich always rebirths with an extra head?


Weeping Angels. Stone Statues that only move when you take your eyes off of them. they get closer and closer with every blink.


Preying Eagles

Will pick you up and fly you off to its nest for its young

(same concept as the Curious Giants,<divert you off course and imprison you>)


Lords of chance

These dread consumers live in the deepest parts of the world and all those who come by the unfortunate nature of entering there lair are invited to a game of chance. They are kings in there own realm and feel no threat from intruders, but the only thing staying there fangs is your wit in succeding in games of chance. Riddles, dice & chess. Lose, and they consume you. Win, and they free you.

(Think Gollum from The Hobbbit as well as The Sewer King in Hey Arnold)


Shadow people

These demons live in all dark places, and will suck you into there realm if you linger in the dark too long. ignoring the whisperings of the demons which are plotting to drag you away is quite foolish.


Snow Souls

Literally they are just snowmen.Horrid and deformed. creations of a demented mind, these daedra exist in blizzards and that is how they take there prey. They wont kill you directly, but they will drain your fatiigue with ice spells and may pop out behind you for a critical hit from there icey claws. Once they believe they can take you(30 or less fatigue), they will charge you shrieking and wailing, and upon grabbing you, will drag you heels first into the deep snow.

Think of the Guardians from Laura Croft and Pandoras Box.

<The Snow Souls only appear in blizzards. They are much like Wraiths.They scream a horrible scream, and they shriek upon charging. They rely on the low visibility. They are fast! faster than you can imagine. all you will see of them is blurs if you not looking head on. They pass through people sometimes, leaving ice shards in the victims body.

skip to 1:58 for a brief glimpse of the Shadow Guardians. Remember them? they came out off trees, swift as the wind and dragged people back into the Cracks of the Underworld.
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