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Accepting Fallout Canon Requests

Tony the Wookie

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I am looking for ideas that fit into Fallout lore and canon, stuff that pays homage to the older games in the series and helps bring the Fallout Universe together.


If you have any ideas like that, I am looking to make them. I pretty much just 3d model and texture, but I am open to listening to any ideas. I want to put story behind my props, characters, or armors.


I am not looking to mod fast, I am looking to take my time and make the best quality assets as possible. Quality over quantity and really high attention to detail. So don't expect anything very soon. I'm really looking to get things ready for my Fallout 4 mod, but porting some stuff to New Vegas for testing.

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There is a terminal in Fallout2 that tells the player that a group (faction) called the Chi are making advanced tech, including re-stating the nuclear program that destroyed most of thew world. I've always wondered how that might have panned out for them. What tech could they have made? How large is their faction now?

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Did some digging and came up with a great wiki link about the Shi. Who only appear in Fallout 2 (now there is a mod by Brother Shogo that many say is lore breaking but if you read how advanced the Shi are then you might see why I'm wondering they're never mentioned. They're very advanced since they can get T-51B power armor to work (way back then) they could also be tough enough to keep the NCR away. Who knows they could even become a more powerful faction if they have control of the dam.


Now Fallout 2 according to this link took place in 2240 and then Fallout New Vegas took place in 2280 the NCR at that time was just starting .. remember Shady Sands from Fallout 1 well that's now the Capital of the NCR in Fallout 2.

But the link below is all about the Shi from Fallout 2




Having said all that of that I had this idea




What if the Shi lived in a hugely advanced city? Where everything is brand new and high tech. Maybe the player could be recruited by them and work with them. There are a lot of aerospace business in New Vegas that neither the NCR or the Legion care about. At first some files can simply be acquired and handed over to the Shi and then slowly but surely the player can learn that the Shi are about make some impressive moves that will make them a technological force to be reckoned with. The battles they fight they fight not for a dam or land but their own future. Since they don't care about outside politics. They simply want to be in a position to be left alone. The player (for all their efforts) can live in a modern city free of radiation, raiders, etc. Ghouls can be cured and turned to look human again if they wanted. That'd be a cool story line too. That's just me brainstorming.



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Sounds interesting.


A whole city made of all brand new futuristic assets, plus all the characters that have to fill it, which would probably need new outfits, and then navmeshing everyone and creating dialogue and all that... Seems like more than a one man project.


Making a visitor from Shi with a new custom outfit, weapon, and maybe some sort of robot friend or vehicle that he arrives in. That might be more in line of what I could do by myself.

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Sounds interesting.


A whole city made of all brand new futuristic assets, plus all the characters that have to fill it, which would probably need new outfits, and then navmeshing everyone and creating dialogue and all that... Seems like more than a one man project.


Making a visitor from Shi with a new custom outfit, weapon, and maybe some sort of robot friend or vehicle that he arrives in. That might be more in line of what I could do by myself.


That is awesome!

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Are you suggesting I make assets to go into that?



Looks to me like the beginning of a partnership ... two architects one amazing lore friendly city that pays homage to the Fallouts of old and new...

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