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Thoughts on Gravity?


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So, I had a recent idea for a space station mod that I would like to construct for community usage, but the design depends heavily upon a concept that I don't necessarily believe can be implemented in the current game engine. I speak, of course, of the lack of gravity. I was wanting to ask the community if its possible to create a custom script for a worldcell which disables the games gravity but maintains the collision meshes in order to prevent clipping whilst floating. Furthermore, if its possible to create bounding boxes while in this same worldcell which allows gravity to once more be applied while within the bounding box itself.


I think it might be theoretically possible by altering something in the games ini, but damn if I know anything about that! In fact, beyond some sort of scripted thingy which might disable or decrease fall damage while increasing jump duration, I don't think that it would be entirely possible to totally remove gravity from the game engine itself.


I know that they altered fall damage and jump duration for Mothership Zeta, but I'm wondering about floating... not just "bunny hopping." Anyway, anybody know anything about this... because I was wanting this space station to be rather "Deadspacy" in design... (insert ominous evil laugh)

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it is possible, just you would look like you're running in mid air or swimming depending on which animation set you use. or if you know someone savvy in animations you could create new animations for zero-G... though i doubt you will find someone sadly.

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I think swimming would look the most realistic out of all the stock animations... and let me be honest... I have no intention of asking someone to create a custom animation for a mod resource such as this... that's just WAY to much work for me to ask of someone else who's more adept at scripting. Hum... at least its possible. Know anyone willing to script this stuff? I pretty much need the following.


1) Script to attach to a worldcell to cancel gravity but keep the collision meshes so that players can't swim through stuff.

2) Some sort of bounding box which creates downward gravity, forcing the player back down onto a platform where the bounding box is sitting. This will likely be a pain to script since it depends upon so many variables.


Honestly, I would settle for just the first one, but if I can get both of these... WOOOO... the things I will do. :laugh:

Edited by jcdenton2012
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