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Who are the real terrorists?


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The vid bottom left is a report from Fallujah .In the Maliki Agreement US forces were required to vacate all Iraqi cities except the Green zone in Baghdad and for some reason Fallujah ,around which they maintain a military cordon ,this struck me as odd and always wondered why .I think the video explains why and I think it relates to what the nature of terror is. The last one is a music video put out by a Palestinian Peace Group (yes they are not all terrorists) trying to end the violence .Its a compilation of historical footage and footage during the 2009 Gaza Siege taking by a number of BBC film makers who the BBC snuck into Gaza so they could film the whole thing .I thought it important that people get a sense of what its like to live under those conditions.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF2miwIWOE4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3LqImEM0io&feature=fvst


Parental Discretion is Advised The first part of this is on previous page didn't know 2 vids were max you could post in one post

Edited by Harbringe
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So what are you trying to say? There have been innocent casualties of war, to expect that never to happen would be naive. It is tragic. It happens. And also where American troops or their allies overstep the bounds they are court martialled and held to account.


I too saw a video this week that shows me exactly why we are fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. There was a guy who was too much of a coward to show his face ranting about how they give their people true justice. And there was footage of that "Justice", a woman in a burqa, buried to her waist, having rocks hurled at her until someone mercifully shot her in the head. And then her lover receiving the same treatment. I have not posted it because I suspect that it is too gross to be shown on this site, but it is available on the BBC News Website and on Yahoo.


THAT is what I call terrorism,rule by fear and acts of violence. The fear and violence being the norm in their case, even glorified by such as the masked coward in the video.

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I don't recall mentioning revenge. Protection against kangaroo courts and barbaric so called justice, for unfortunates such as depicted in that stoning video, yes. And stopping them spreading their poison any further? Hell yes!


And yes, I did read your history lessons, RZ1029, although I have studied a fair amount of the stuff myself. The reasons why we are there are extremely complex, but I still say that I can't see anyone wanting to allow these extremist theocracies to spread and destroy the freedoms that we fought to preserve. And I have attended lectures given by a number of Afghan female refugees - they do not want to be sent back to the Dark Ages in terms of education, employment and liberty either. I have seen the pictures of innocents murdered or mutilated by the real terrorists. I would not describe the Taliban as in any way innocent.

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The war is adding to our debt, people need to decide whats more important...


We should withdraw until we can get our debt under control, then if we still want to save the world we can.


We are not in a good economic place for a war right now.

Social Security is adding to our debt. We need to cancel it too.

Oh, and Welfare, that's adding to our debt. Better scratch it.

And the Post Office, nothing but deficit there, shut 'er down.


Yeah, compared to most of that stuff, war's cheap. And I'd much rather feel safe knowing we're fighting them over there so they don't have to fight them here than knowing I'll get social security when I retire.... assuming there's anything left by then.

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The international forces operating in Afghanistan under set Rules Of Engagement. Some nations are have many restrictions such as aircraft not flying at night, some much stricter such as the British. The American RoE almost as stringent as the British, which most British forces feel are far too strict and put them at considerably higher risk than is required. Satires as far back as the sixties made note of the number of lawyers attached to western armies, the number has not been reduced. The chances are quite high that most serious cases of transgression would be discovered, the degree to which prosecution would proceed being variable.

The Taliban being good, if somewhat stoned at times, moslems would realise that historic prescedents going back centuries advise to lie to kafir if it is in the interests of Islam. I read accounts of post combat situations where numbers of young men would turn up at the medical facilities of the western forces claiming to have been hit by stray bullets. Significantly the number of children, women and older men being injured would be less so. I guess the young guys are less capable of hugging the ground when bullets are flying. I watched some months ago a feature on the burning of schools and killings of teachers and students, in the feature a talib area P.R. guy made great play of the fact that in his area were not engaged in any such activities, the news report begged to differ.

Both British & U.S forces make a point of paying compensation when there is destruction or death even in numerous cases where the person killed was obviously insurgent, is this because they are mad or do they wish to appear helpful and positive?

If the western forces are forces of terror then they are surely incompetent and should reduce the budgets in ordnance and manpower and just set up a few dozen death squads.

Obviously few if no rational people would want the latter case to occur so let's be observant but also aware of both our own as well as other people's prejudices in reporting warfare.

Edited by happy pig
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The war is adding to our debt, people need to decide whats more important...


We should withdraw until we can get our debt under control, then if we still want to save the world we can.


We are not in a good economic place for a war right now.

Social Security is adding to our debt. We need to cancel it too.

Oh, and Welfare, that's adding to our debt. Better scratch it.

And the Post Office, nothing but deficit there, shut 'er down.


Yeah, compared to most of that stuff, war's cheap. And I'd much rather feel safe knowing we're fighting them over there so they don't have to fight them here than knowing I'll get social security when I retire.... assuming there's anything left by then.

Social Security has a surplus, it is not adding to our debt at all, its helping the country more then anything...


Welfare also helps the country.


The post office isn't adding to our debt since it makes profit from what it does.


Most of our deficit comes from our defense budget, no idea how you can think the war is cheap...

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Social Security has a surplus, it is not adding to our debt at all, its helping the country more then anything...

Welfare also helps the country.

The post office isn't adding to our debt since it makes profit from what it does.

Most of our deficit comes from our defense budget, no idea how you can think the war is cheap...


Where on earth do you get your facts from? The Sunday funnies? It would be nice if your argument was supported by facts instead of supposition.

The Postal administration is hemorrhaging money yearly and needs to close 3000 local unprofitable locations.


The Social Security Administration requires episodic infusions of cash to stay afloat, the beneficiaries will soon be drawing more than the paying members put in to it (thats you by the way).


Welfare helps the country? In what financial dimension is that? It's called an entitlement program, meaning we pay for their benefits, no taxes paid at all for money received by the beneficiaries.


The only fact you got even minor league right is the Defense Budget.





Just as an aside to the relevant posters, sorry for taking the thread sideways but some peoples egregious misstatements cry out for correction.

Edited by Aurielius
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