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Oblivion Gates still all red and sparkly after closing?


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So, this isn't really inhibiting any gameplay, but it looks annoying.


On the two files I've played, this has happened to the two same gates: the ones outside Skingrad and Leyawin.


After closing the gates, the light show goes on, but the weird red-glowy effect sticks around. Even when I fast-travel to and from them, they still glow and even after closing and launching the game again. I can't enter it and no Daedra come out, but it looks funny...


Any ideas what this is? Just a normal glitch? Will it go away when I complete main quest?


Pis attached.




Any thoughts?



PS - I'm not talking about the fire - just the glowing red light.

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Yes, certain gates do that. I remember seeing a mod to remove the afterglow, but for the life of me I can't find it.
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Yes, certain gates do that. I remember seeing a mod to remove the afterglow, but for the life of me I can't find it.


I'm using a mod that gets rid of the fire, but that's all I've ever seen. :/


If you are only seeing the afterglow gates, and you have a mod the supposedly gets rid of them, I have to ask myself why? In vanilla game, only a small percentage of gates have this problem.

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