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More then anything id want..


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I was about to post this in the kid whos visiting bethesdas headquarters thread , then i decided this idea is to controversial and would derailhis thread , my idea is ONLINE 1v1 2v2 etc areanas to test your skills against other oblivion players I AM NOT SAYING ONLINE SKYRIM i am saying 1v1 2v2 etc areanas for people to test there Charecters TRUE power , your not showing how good you are by killing rats in the sewers :P.


Being able to spectate these games and bet on who wins would be amazeing also

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I'd like it the way assasins creed brotherhood did it. They make online maps separately. Another would be lan possibility, like you play the normal game but you can, for example, when going to arena, let your friend help on another computer (like those damn group v 1 matches in oblivion which were harder than grand champion..)


Idea is good, I dont want skyrim online ever, it's not how it's meant, but that's how it'd be acceptable, even good ad idea. afterall, so many games are expanding beside normal gameplay a availiability to go online. Most of game makers succeeded without doing any changes (or ruining) the game itself. Bethesda is weak in animations, but I think creating succesfull online version is not their strong side either (thank god they got new animators there.. :) )

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hehe i just posted n idea like this one in stealthrecon's thread but it was slightly different--allowing two or more players online or offline to team up and complete tasks seperate from the main storyline-- such as fighting off hordes of enemies or dueling--similar to the concept found in Champions; Return to Arms--and also allowing some sort of trade option to go along with this so two friends can share loot or compare equipment :) it is a revolutionary idea that many are not willing to accept..think of it like this...it could have the potential thrill of a mode like Nazi Zombies from the Call of Duty series or the co op fun from Borderlands.
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If it hasn't already been announced the chances of seeing any multiplayer in any way shape or form is extremely unlikely. Bethesda has already stated their stance in the past on why they don't want to do it, and that stance doesn't look like it's changing any time soon.
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