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Do you think the devs at Bethesda...


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I think they would have their hands full just trying to keep up with all the posts on their single Skyrim forum. Have you seen the activity over there? You can submit a post and immediately look at the forum and see 3 to 5 other threads have posted between the time you hit submit and the time it took to show the contents of the forum section.


I think there is just too much "clutter" being posted for any one person to keep track of it all to find all the nuggets of gold out there.


But yes, I do think some from Bethesda look on the Nexus forums from time to time when their boss isn't looking over their shoulders. ;)



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Somewhere bethesda stated that because of they are very impressed what modders have done with their tools etc. etc. they are adding creation kit for this game (support for modders) too. From this, first you can 1+1 that, yes, they know about mods out there and the second thing, what's the biggest modding site? well nexus of course. so if they had their hands in mods it was most likely in nexus as they have posted some nexus links in blog too (as stated above) so if you ask me they keep an eye on nexus forums. Bethesda listens to fans as it's always best to keep ear out for the people who actually pay for the game.


Also their forum is so flooded it's even easier check ideas from here. I wouldn't bother reading other than big topics on that flooded forum if I was a dev ;)

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Somewhere bethesda stated that because of they are very impressed what modders have done with their tools etc. etc. they are adding creation kit for this game (support for modders) too. From this, first you can 1+1 that, yes, they know about mods out there and the second thing, what's the biggest modding site? well nexus of course. so if they had their hands in mods it was most likely in nexus as they have posted some nexus links in blog too (as stated above) so if you ask me they keep an eye on nexus forums. Bethesda listens to fans as it's always best to keep ear out for the people who actually pay for the game.


Also their forum is so flooded it's even easier check ideas from here. I wouldn't bother reading other than big topics on that flooded forum if I was a dev ;)


Im geasing reading the post at the oficial forum is like trying to read every post /b/

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