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Anything out there about unarmed combat?


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Wrote a whole post but my stupid phone deleted it when I tried to post...


I own my own suit of armor I use for reenactment battles. I don't care who you are, Mike Tyson could punch me in the face of my helmet and I might get knocked back a little but his hand is going to be crippled and broken, unable to fight any longer. I wouldn't be harmed.


Unarmed combat needs to exist for necessity but beyond the basic punching its silly and unnecessary..


Are you saying that my chi infused fist wont penetrate that tin can you call armor?


But yeah agree that as it is atm its pointless. They really need to add something to the skill, like bar brawls or unarmed arenas that make is interesting.


That is exactly what I am saying. I don't care if Bruce Lee punched me in the face, the 12g steel of my helmet will break their hand. Tin can? Have you ever felt 12 g steel? You don't know much about metallurgy do you...


Chi? Wtf is this dragon ball z now? I hope to god the devs leave the silly anime stuff out of the games and leave those for modders to screw with.


Realism aside, if someone could shoot fire from their hand it will burn you. If someone can make lighting hi you, you will get electrocuted... But no where within the realm of plausibly believable fiction can a fist made of flesh and bone punch through 12 guage hardened steel.


Dragonball Z got nothing to do with Chi. That Ki the Japanese. version :P They shout loud to make bells ring with Ki. Why do you think they yell so much in Japanese. martial arts? :P

Still Chi is somewhat real. Most are done as circus tricks, but that doesnt mean its not real. Chi is just "energy" that, with training can be projected to different body parts, not really into Chi so cant tell you much about it, but look up Tai Chi and Chi Gong if you want to learn more about it.


Also if you ever been wearing a plat armor you will know there is openings in the joins where you technical could get hit, and its heavy so a well timed kick would be able to bring you out of balance. Atleast thats the case the times i was fighting in Japanese. armor. Also it restraints your body movement.

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I think fist weapons are a great idea. They make a lot more sense then some invisible force that lets you completely break the laws of physics.


There really arn't large enough gaps in armor to accomidate a fist, and where there are gaps, they either wouldn't be facing the attacker or would be in guarded/non critical locations.


Certain unarmed moved could be a great addition to the game to suppliment the combat. For example, you see a guy stagger as you land a blow with your axe so then you kick him to make him fall to the ground which allows you to be able to attempt a critical stike dealing 5x damage. Of course that could be really broken too.

Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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Totally want to see someone punch a dragon to death. :thumbsup:


The problem with doing more than punches is that it would require creating an entirely new form of combat, and they might as well have to completely rewrite how they did battles all together. If you could grab some guy, do a suplex or choke hold, then submit him before breaking his arm... there is no room for adding this into the game engine unless it was intended from the start.


There is a reason people invented weapons. Successful unarmed combat against multiple enemies who do have weapons is completely impossible.


Not true

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Wrote a whole post but my stupid phone deleted it when I tried to post...


I own my own suit of armor I use for reenactment battles. I don't care who you are, Mike Tyson could punch me in the face of my helmet and I might get knocked back a little but his hand is going to be crippled and broken, unable to fight any longer. I wouldn't be harmed.


Unarmed combat needs to exist for necessity but beyond the basic punching its silly and unnecessary..


Are you saying that my chi infused fist wont penetrate that tin can you call armor?


But yeah agree that as it is atm its pointless. They really need to add something to the skill, like bar brawls or unarmed arenas that make is interesting.




That is exactly what I am saying. I don't care if Bruce Lee punched me in the face, the 12g steel of my helmet will break their hand. Tin can? Have you ever felt 12 g steel? You don't know much about metallurgy do you...


Chi? Wtf is this dragon ball z now? I hope to god the devs leave the silly anime stuff out of the games and leave those for modders to screw with.


Realism aside, if someone could shoot fire from their hand it will burn you. If someone can make lighting hi you, you will get electrocuted... But no where within the realm of plausibly believable fiction can a fist made of flesh and bone punch through 12 guage hardened steel.


Dragonball Z got nothing to do with Chi. That Ki the Japanese. version :P They shout loud to make bells ring with Ki. Why do you think they yell so much in Japanese. martial arts? :P

Still Chi is somewhat real. Most are done as circus tricks, but that doesnt mean its not real. Chi is just "energy" that, with training can be projected to different body parts, not really into Chi so cant tell you much about it, but look up Tai Chi and Chi Gong if you want to learn more about it.


Also if you ever been wearing a plat armor you will know there is openings in the joins where you technical could get hit, and its heavy so a well timed kick would be able to bring you out of balance. Atleast thats the case the times i was fighting in Japanese. armor. Also it restraints your body movement.


Actually the concept of Ki and Chi are exactly the same, just have different names in different languages. I've been invloved with a Martial Artist, for 7 years now. The concept of Ki isn't really some mystical energy. It's body mechanics and doing all movements from your core. You don't bunch or throw from with your fist, you punch and throw with your hip.

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Dragonball Z got nothing to do with Chi. That Ki the Japanese. version :P They shout loud to make bells ring with Ki. Why do you think they yell so much in Japanese. martial arts? :P

Still Chi is somewhat real. Most are done as circus tricks, but that doesnt mean its not real. Chi is just "energy" that, with training can be projected to different body parts, not really into Chi so cant tell you much about it, but look up Tai Chi and Chi Gong if you want to learn more about it.


Also if you ever been wearing a plat armor you will know there is openings in the joins where you technical could get hit, and its heavy so a well timed kick would be able to bring you out of balance. Atleast thats the case the times i was fighting in Japanese. armor. Also it restraints your body movement.


Actually the concept of Ki and Chi are exactly the same, just have different names in different languages. I've been invloved with a Martial Artist, for 7 years now. The concept of Ki isn't really some mystical energy. It's body mechanics and doing all movements from your core. You don't bunch or throw from with your fist, you punch and throw with your hip.


Then how do you explain every time they yell "NOW IM GOING TO KILL YOU" they battle power raise in Dragonball Z? :P


And yeah Chi/Qi/Ki is basicly the same. It is used a bit different in different cultures, China using it a lot in medicine and health, you will hear a lot of hard and soft chi/qi, while in Japan it seems to be more restricted to martial art and Harrah(not sure how this is spelled)/stomach. They also use it to kill small birds and ring bells with kiais.



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Totally want to see someone punch a dragon to death. :thumbsup:


The problem with doing more than punches is that it would require creating an entirely new form of combat, and they might as well have to completely rewrite how they did battles all together. If you could grab some guy, do a suplex or choke hold, then submit him before breaking his arm... there is no room for adding this into the game engine unless it was intended from the start.


There is a reason people invented weapons. Successful unarmed combat against multiple enemies who do have weapons is completely impossible.


Not true


I also like watching Jet Li movies :ninja: and the Matrix :cool: . That doesn't mean I think they represent any plausibly believable facet of a fictional reality ;) . Steven Seagal may make having tons of idiotic attackers run at you one at a time instead of all just jumping you seem interesting, but once you get past the omg his ponytail must make him immune to getting shot/stabbed effect, you realize how childishly unrealistic it really is. :rolleyes:

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Yeah and i like Bruce Lee movies. That doesnt change that you can get out on top even if you get attacked by a group that have melee weapons. You most likely wont yes, but some individual with the right training do have a fair chance. When you hit skill lvl 100 you should be one of those individuals.


Another thing. Most unarmed systems was based on a weaponsystem. Karate have Tonfa, Bo, Sai and a Oar. Jujutsu have Katana, Bo, Naginata, Kanabo and all of the other Japanese. weapons. Would be nice that as you trained your unarmed skills you would get a small boost to your weapon skills.

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Yeah and i like Bruce Lee movies. That doesnt change that you can get out on top even if you get attacked by a group that have melee weapons. You most likely wont yes, but some individual with the right training do have a fair chance. When you hit skill lvl 100 you should be one of those individuals.


Oh I agree, if your the grandmaster of unarmed you should have a chance to beat 4 well armed enemies with nothing but your fists. So when your just average or even good with unarmed, you should still have to resort to a weapon when facing uneven odds. Of course this implies that unarmed won't be a primary build skill because it doesn't make sense in a Western Fantasy setting for it to be, which is the entire point I've been trying to make.


Advanced unarmed combat ala Bruce Lee doesn't really have a place in a game inspired by things like Lord of the Rings, Conan, Narnia etc.

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So Glima, viking martial art from iceland, Greek/roman wrestling and Pankration, old greek unarmed martial art used in the arena, are not relevant?

Many of those do have similarities with the asian martial arts, Pankration even said to have layed the foundation for many of the asian martial arts.

But i do agree that having a weapon is an advantage, otherwise there would be no point in weapons and it should remain that way.

Actually think its "easyer" to survive an armed group, melee weapons that is, today, than it would be at that time.

Also most of the unarmed "techniques" was disarming techniques, as it was an advantage to have a weapon, and if you dont have a weapon you have to take your enemy's weapon.

Pankration, tho i dont know much about that style, should have been an arena fighting style, only using the human body. Almost all other systems are weapon systems with unarmed techniques to learn basic of how to use the weapon.


Again i think they should "remake" unarmed. Make more about disarming, give it a small, but notable, bonus to your weapon skills and make some unarmed arenas, no magic, no armor, just you, your fist and the opponent. Maybe make some quests involving unarmed. 2 of those 4 should be fairly easy to make.

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