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Anything out there about unarmed combat?


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They probably wouldn't get rid of unarmed anyways. If you get disarmed, you're most likely going to charge with your fists.

Source? I believe you, just want to read about it.

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K, just read my way into this post, and I kinda have to agree with wanting better hand to hand.In oblivion it seemed like your guy was just an angry drunk when he attacked people hand2hand, swingswingblockPOWERswing....I want better as in more options AND realism. Lets get that straight. If you're gonna be :ninja: and go around snappin' some necks that should be in the game.Kickin, grabbin, should be in there. A kick up under a shield could break a 1v1 deadlock and stagger someone, but it could also just break the kickers foot(in sneak your boots weight mattered, it should here too). They said finishing moves and I kinda hope there are hand2hand finishing moves. Take a look at Mafia 2(the H2H was attrocious, but had one brilliant idea)finishing moves based on where you are fighting, i.e. once his guard is down slam his head into the hood of a car, shove against the wall and smash head, or slam him onto the railing and 3 deadly blows down on the gut. If I can actually completely sneak up behind someone then definitely a quick lil' neck snap, or maybe a lil stranglin'(also in Mafia 2). Sleeping peeps I come upon should get the same(I think is FO3 perk too...). I've seen some people whinin bout punching dragons to death, if they read this thread they'd realize they're entirely off point.A master of H2H should be able to get out of the stickiest situations shining, like when you lose your weapon or get captured. Killing silently with H2H goes with stealth, but when stealth isn't on your side, like when I break outta jail, I wanna be able to at least disarm a single armed opponent, knock over the guy in the tin suit, grab his weapon, and finish him off.H2H could also play a special role in armed combat, a sweeping kick under the shield knocks a guy over, a swift kick to the junk does the same, a broken limb here or there(maybe). Also there should be H2H weapons like FO3. I want a garrote, knuckles, heavy gloves would do basically the same.H2H should be like the spec ops of weapon skills in Skyrim, silently kill,incapacitate,get me a weapon when I'm captured and escape. It should stay realistic though, if during my escape 2-3 guards run in instead o' 1, then I should be royally screwed.H2H on an armored guy should do its damage in a smarter way, knocking them over, stunning them, etc.Also it would sweet if my ninja guy got attacked by a bar drunk who fought like in Oblivion and I just broke his arm then smashed his head on a table. They'd all be like "dude, you just killed that guy man" :devil:
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Also it would sweet if my ninja guy got attacked by a bar drunk who fought like in Oblivion and I just broke his arm then smashed his head on a table. They'd all be like "dude, you just killed that guy man" :devil:


That reminds me of Neverwinter Nights 2... one of the companions you get is a Dwarf that aspires to become a monk because he got his ass whupped by one in a bar (which started because the monk ordered water.......). The Dwarf says he evaded and moved faster than he could keep track of with his eyes and before he knew it, he was thrown out a window.


For some reason, the link above didn't work for me. I don't remember reading anything about H2H in the article though. I'll read it again......



Found it-

Repetition can be a game developer's worst enemy. As players move through the world slashing at enemies thousands of times, the gravity of the action dissipates to the point where it becomes as thoughtless an exercise as flipping a light switch. With Skyrim's combat system, Bethesda wants to restore the visceral nature of hand-to-hand combat. The first step? Changing the pace of the close quarters battles.

In the early stages of development, Bethesda watched fighting videos to study how people react during melee battles. The team found that most encounters featured more jostling and staggering than was present in past Elder Scrolls titles. Using the Havok Behavior animation system, the team is more accurately mimicking the imbalance prevalent in melee combat by adding staggering affects and camera shake. Don't expect button-mashing marathons where the attacker with a bigger life pool wins the war of attrition. If you're not careful on defense you may get knocked around, losing your balance and leaving yourself exposed for a damaging blow that can turn the tide of the battle. Knowing when to block, when to strike, and when to stand your ground is key to prevailing in combat.

Sounds about right. Might simply be about combat in general, but that encompasses H2H (which is specifically mentioned once) too.


Edited by AltreU
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