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Anything out there about unarmed combat?


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I hope it is left in the game, but I wouldn't care much if it is left as is. I always wanted to created a Monk type character in Oblivion who used his fists to fight but there was really no incentive to or anything that made it practical. I'd like to see some special moves involved and maybe some magic-imbued-fists/kicks or something.
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Unarmed combat can and probably will be MUCH more advanced than just punching! What about sneaking up behind your enemy and snapping its neck off? You have feet too! Use them right? These are problems Bethesda are facing and addresing everyday! Trust me, they know what they're doing! They just want it to feel like,... this is Thee Elder Scrolls of all Elder Scrolls!!! This is the one!!! There is no better!!! For any of you who didn't like Oblivion because it wasn't Morrowind I have a little surprise for you.... wait for it, wait for it.. aannnddd.. FUS RO DAH!!! ... ... ...! Even Dagoth Ur's no match for the Dovahkiin!!! Fear Thu'um!!
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For unarmed combat to be feasible.. you need to incorporate skills which can stun, stagger and knock down human opponents easily. grapple moves, paralyzing blows and the like. against monsters though, i'm not as sure. you can't really grapple and knocking down a 1000 pound ogre seams kinda far fetched. you should still be able to stagger then.. Maybe ad in combo attacks, like four fast blows and a knock back kick? which when used on a human opponent would cause them to be knocked off their feet, and against a monster would cause them to be staggered. Ofc these would be late game perks.


You would need some form of equipables though.. maybe the quality of the gauntlet you wear could affect the damage you do? heavy gauntlets like iron gauntlets provide a + to dmg but a - to speed. and leather would do the opposite. Magical or higher grade gloves/gauntlets would allow you to hit ghosts/ethereal opponents etc. same would be true for kicking moves, which would use the footwear as modifiers. heavy/light magical/mundane.


Maybe specialize in ether a boxing style or kicking style through perks. or a jack or all, master of none trade type of thing. Unarmed should be as interesting as armed combat. this would give you more freedom with spell casting too, though maybe using gloves would impair your magical channeling and give negative bonuses? though most would just equip/reequip so i guess that would just make it a hassle more than a balancing act.

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I think everybody has forgotten that Israeli special forces use Crav Maga, which is the most useful and effective form of unarmed combat. It's not just punches and kicks, it's all types of grappling and throws, fitting the Israeli special forces operations and any Mossad operations, too.


We've also forgotten that even the US military has unarmed self defense classes, which directly translates into bayonetting. Sure, punching a guy with a steel helmet in the face isn't smart, but what about using his weight and leverage to take him to the ground?


Unarmed combat doesn't just mean kicks and punches, guys.


I also like the idea of armor or fist weapons. Maybe you could even use claws or katars to increase damage, or have enchanted gauntlets to do more damage, or spells that add fire to your fist.

Edited by DrunkenGamer
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I think everybody has forgotten that Israeli special forces use Crav Maga, which is the most useful and effective form of unarmed combat. It's not just punches and kicks, it's all types of grappling and throws, fitting the Israeli special forces operations and any Mossad operations, too.


We've also forgotten that even the US military has unarmed self defense classes, which directly translates into bayonetting. Sure, punching a guy with a steel helmet in the face isn't smart, but what about using his weight and leverage to take him to the ground?


Unarmed combat doesn't just mean kicks and punches, guys.

That's exactly correct! I think playing video games too much seeing the same thing over and over again has lost our own creativity to think outside the box, which is why nearly all my posts differ from the norm. I like to give an unorthodox approach and really grasp the idea of progress. I am a forward thinker. I hope Bethesda is looking into similar combat styles for inspiration!!

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