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Sheep Wars


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"the lunatic is in the grass.."


Oops, let's start again.


"Harmlessly passing your time in the grasslands away

Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air

You'd better watch out

There may be dogs about..........."

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Do not underestimate me. *Hides behind a rock fends off the assassins with my dual automatic pulse guns* I have mastery with these. I am a skilled warrior. Any body part these hit will be disintegrated.
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<<<Just here to point out, the Cylons are on the ASMF's side. Also, hollowman, the Aesir was gone before the missile was away... Just sayin...>>>


Now, to work.


Commander, I am getting a report that a lone Hammerhead H-A-C has located a staging area. and is requesting orders.

I will order it away from the planetary floor to a safe area until I have your go-ahead for a full aerial bombardment.





NOTE: H-A-C = Heavy Artillery Cruiser

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Men! There is word that there is a ship near the crab nebula that is lead by a group of sheep haters. Find the ships captain and make an offer that cannot be refused. Lt Mako of Beta team, you lead the negotiations. Alpha team, I want you to secure a shipment of high grade goods, kindly given to us by the U.S army in aid of defeating sheep. Delta team, I want you to travel to Berlin, London, Tokyo and St Petersburg and find Doctors Mohami, Hossburg, Furudo and Ronodove. Bring these doctors to our secret base, alive. Omega, you are tasked on infiltrating the Sheep's base near Sydney. This base is important to our war effort and contains several important document that must be recovered.
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I am going to give the cruiser authority for attack.

Hammerhead, you have authority for a full scale aerial bombardment on the location specified. Use the HE rounds.

Authorisation code: 6-AOSS₪


'Orders recieved, aerial bombardment underway.'

[20 minutes later]

'Aerial bombardment complete, the depot is in ruins.'


Commander, we should send in the Aesir to do an aerial recon of the area, and have ground troops dispatched for any stragglers. Tech expert Mitchells will be on scene to help recover any salvageable tech.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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I am going to give the cruiser authority for attack.

Hammerhead, you have authority for a full scale aerial bombardment on the location specified. Use the HE rounds.

Authorisation code: 6-AOSS₪


'Orders recieved, aerial bombardment underway.'

[20 minutes later]

'Aerial bombardment complete, the depot is in ruins.'


Commander, we should send in the Aesir to do an aerial recon of the area, and have ground troops dispatched for any stragglers. Tech expert Mitchells will be on scene to help recover any salvageable tech.


*fires the orbital laser at the aesir destroying it on contact then gathers survivors and arms them to repel the ground troops, tech experts, then calls for reinforcements*



<1 hour later>


'sir the ground forces have been repealed their retreating and reinforcements have arrived, tanks and fighters are now at your command your orders'


"destroy them all don't let them escape then salvage all you can and return to the battle ship"


"then charge the laser and destroy the HAC and salvage everything you can, as quick as possible"

Edited by hollowman125
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