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charachter stuff wonderland


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Does anyone know what im talking about? I was scrolling through all the cells in the construction set just now, and i came across a cell called "Character Stuff Wonderland." I don't think it's part of any mod, because all that I had running was morrowind.esm and a mod im in the process of making...btw, is this even in the right forum?


Anyway, there were a few creatures with bad loot, and a couple chests with 1000 gold in each, plus every nonenchanted (there might have been some enchanted stuff too) weapon and every nonenchanted (ditto) piece of armor in the game. And the door led nowhere. Very wierd. Is this something the Morrowind developers just slipped in for sh*ts and giggles, or... what is the deal? Like I said, I am truly baffled... :blink:

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Yeah, it seems to be some cell the devs added. Most likely so beta testers could equip themselves or something before going off adventuring methinks :P


Anyway... erm, TBH I'm not entirely sure which forum this belongs in. So I'll just leave it here :P

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