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"Proper" khajit and argonian bodyshapes/animations


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Greeks consider the centaurs, in their myths, as equivalent to human people. They therefore could not describe the centaurs as beings much larger than humans.

So, centaur "human part" had to be the same as human body, and head at the same height. Centaur "horse part" then have to be smaller and more slender as normal horse body. This is because the centaurs did not look much "heavier" than the Greek heroes.

Greeks also did not consider that the centaur could be an "riding animal". The horse part may not be large enough to carry a man, like a horse.

We usually seem centaurs as a horses with human body - the contrary, the Greeks saw centaurs as a human beings with horse body.


The problem is also in that - horse model in Oblivion are an heavy, big horse - horses, painted by Greeks, are lighter and slimmer. Proportions in the "Greek view" of the centaur - "horse part" has only about 1.5 - 2 times larger cross section than the human part. Horse's "belly" is the same high as a human chest wide.


and one more note - the site to which you refer are some pictures which show the centaur with human forelegs

Edited by Semtex
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Semtex, I agree. I guess I was not considering a rideable centaur either. I was thinking playable one. Thanks for the comment. Yes, I have seen centaurs with the human forelegs.

MarkInMKUK, thanks for the link. The feet look neat in the video although they look a bit strange with the walk. Did those feet ever get released, do you know?

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If you go back to when I first started the centuars then they were like that due to a lack of knowledge about the race system.




But one of the biggest feedback topics i got was that they horse part was too small, so it ended up getting changed as soon as I knew it was possible to do so.

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Telyn - no idea on the stuff in the video. The last comment I can see indicates it hasn't yet been released but that may be because I just skimmed through in a hurry. I think the modder is Ryuujin-0 on TESNexus, but not sure.


A thought on rideable centaurs - would make those escort missions a lit easier - can gallop out of trouble and protect your passenger far better. :)

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I messaged the author of that foot mod awhile back but got no response, likely he or she is no longer active. After that I decided to make my own, which can be seen in pics posted earlier in this thread. I would release the feet and legs exceptfor the fact that they will not work with any current armors or clothing. A complete conversion is in the works and will be released at some undetermined date in the future. As far as a bushy tail, there are 2 on the Nexus. Here and here.

Be sure to track this thread for updates.



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Hi Razorpony,


I guessed the modder was no longer active, but posted the video here as it's a useful reference. I certainly like the snow leopard look for a Skyrim-based Khajiit subrace - would be nice to do it as a variant but I suspect it'd be another custom head mesh to make it look its best. It can wait. What you are doing is complicated enough without me tossing in additional workload ideas.

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da mage - Please look at these pictures.



After several experiments, I concluded that Your Centaur have too short legs and too long human torso. Centaur in "Greek proportions", must have the same long legs like a man. This means that the horse part must have different body proportions as a normal horse - shorter and narrower body and longer legs.



Nevertheless, the centaur, at the same proportions of the human body part have slightly lower figure than a man, otherwise the horse body look too large.


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Model should be modified / corrected in the indicated locations to form a smooth transition - the human part should grow up in front of the horse body.



Comparison - the second model I consider more suitable. Horse body is slightly displaced backwards and upwards. Will result in slightly lower figure of the centaur as a standard human figure, or need longer leg.



Model used for this images -> http://www.divshare.com/download/14748542-175 (for free use - its only raw model)

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The thing is, most people are after the traditional centaur look, Im afriad that sizing and shape would most likely not appeal to many of the people following the mod.


Placing the hamun half in front of the horse has already been suggested, and is to be implemented in the next version.



Anyway, I seem to have derailled this thread a bit...sorry about that.

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