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"Proper" khajit and argonian bodyshapes/animations


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da mage

Steal your work??? :wacko: :down:

Take this as an offer to cooperate. You have created something that strongly attracted me. Therefore I use your work to create my vision of Centaurus.


edit: stupid imageshack - full horse body is ok, but half horse not :biggrin:


No, no, no :).....I wasnt saying you were stealing anything. What you're doing is exsactly what I intended people to do with it, that is use mine as a base to make better versions.


I was talking about those idividuals that take a mod, make a couple of changes and release the complete thing as their own. Sorry for that misunderstanding.

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Repair horse skin for HGEC body is not easy, as ever will be possible. The problem is not in horse skin, but in itself HGEC body.


It confirmed to me what I already knew earlier, from experiments with Variable Skeleton. HGEC body has not too well-made "vertex weight" in compared with the Robert's body.

If is used in change the proportions of characters using "Variable Skeleton"methods, very early, already at a small scale and position changes in the dummy bones, appear distortions and artifacts. I believe that the only way would be to recast HGEC body. I tried to do it, but this task is far beyond my abilities and knowledge.


I think this finding would be interested in those who are trying to create a new skeleton with Variable Skeleton method.


da mage - there is modified skeleton and horse part, please, check out this




Texture for RM, first atempt

http://img848.imageshack.us/img848/9353/kentaur79.th.jpg http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/8986/kentaur78.th.jpg

Edited by Semtex
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Razorpony's still plugging away at meshes for the Khajiit race - I'm sure he'll tell us when he has something we can install and test.
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Unfortunately I've been working some mad overtime hours the past few weeks so modding has been put on the back burner. I get home, eat, maybe play a little Fallout and then go to the chatroom where I fall asleep and wake up a few hours later to go to bed. :tongue:



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Hi Razorpony,


Been there, done/doing that! As long as the "Fallout" bit doesn't refer to "fallout of bed" you're fine!


Us Oblivion fans can wait - it's not like we can't PLAY the game in the meanwhile. Just take the time you need and let us know what help, if any, us totally inept and unskilled types can give you.



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ah well thanks for letting me know whats going on


been waiting a long time for this even bout 2 years ago when i could actually play the game which i cant atm


well the only thing i have left to say is i wish you well in working on the khajiit and the centaur race


and also i foresee the mod being a top 100 mod because i bet there are tons of ppl that have been wanting to see this kind of mod made

Edited by hellchosen
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