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Looking for dark themed home.


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Looking for a dark themed home that has most workstations, good size armory, artifact displays (Deadric Artifacts, Dragonpriest Mask, Dragon Claws, Elder Scrolls, and ect,) and isn't too crazy in scale (no castles) like all the popular dark themed homes I found so far. Also don't want it to be full of slaves, and or naked women like Dark Tower....

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How about this? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64213/?


No extra beds for followers or children. No mannequins but there are are weapon racks. (

) Some vampire cattle/prisoners for vampires. You could always disable them if they become annoying or if you're not a vampire. Write their RefID down somewhere so you can enable them if you do become a vampire.


There's apparently a bedroom but I can't see it in the screenshots. If you need a coffin then I suppose you can just spawn one and stick it somewhere that has free space.

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Take a look at Ravenhom, a vampire themed, one-story home located in the mountains northeast of Rifen. It features all the vanilla crafiting stations, options for a bed or coffin to sleep in, unique weapon storage for Dawngaurd DLC weapons and a few for Daederic artifcacts.


Edited by dovahgee
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