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The future of Fallout 3 ?

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Now that FO4 is announced, it might be a good time to wonder about the Future of Fallout 3!

The first trailer has lead to an increased activity on Nexus Fallout 3.

My prediction is that is will continue so each time something comes out. Until the game is available.
Then, FO3 will be drained and go to the level of Oblivion or maybe Morrowind.

A few Modders will stay and continue to make mods.
This will go on for a few month then after 4-6 months there will be a flow back.
For several reason some people will come back. There will be more movements then a kind of stabilization.

Even in 5 years there will still be Modders (I'll be one of them) making Mods for FO3 and Afficinados to use them.

What do YOU plan to do regarding FO3?

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Warning: shameless self-promotion and dubious opinion ahead :) So, now that FO4 is announced, and Bethsoft has pledged continued support for modding, and the setting is apparently Boston (my best-case, fingers-crossed location for the final part of the Lolipopz trilogy), I will obviously be spending a lot of time with FO4 as soon as development tools are available.


Regarding FO3, I imagine I will continue to upload bug fixes and enhancements for Quo Vagis and my other FO3 mods, but with lower frequency and priority (much like what happened when I started work on the never-quite-finished Coito Ergo Sum for FNV). Now for two likely-to-be controversial opinions:


1) I vastly prefer modding FO3 to modding FNV, because FNV (and to an even greater degree, the FNV GECK) are so mind-bogglingly buggy that working with them completely sucks all the joy out of it at times. If I get an idea for a brand new mod, FO3 would be my game of choice by far. I suppose it's possible that I might switch to FO4 and never look back, but it's obviously way too early to speculate about whether FO4 will be as enjoyable to mod as FO3 is.


2) I think if FO3 is eclipsed by FO4 the way Oblivion was eclipsed by Skyrim, then FNV will suffer the same fate. In my mind, there's no significant difference between FO3 and FNV in terms of graphics, gameplay or story quality, and hence no reason for FNV to fare any better than FO3 if FO4 is a quantum leap beyond both games.

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I'll spend a good amount of time learning the new FO4 and if it will give me high satisfations I'm pretty sure I'll move definetely there until I won't open the engine like a can. And I'll forget about the past, FO3 and NV, but for a simple reason: the time. There's never enough time to do everything, so splitting between more games is hard, the learning curve would be pretty affected.


And in the eventuality that FO4 will heavily delude me, at the point to decide to not mod it, FONV is still the only one that deserves my attentions, due to the neverending possibilities offered by the extensions.


But, as a paradox... as player, I only play FO3... god bless there are still modders modding it :D

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I know I won't install nor play FO4.

That make sticking with FO3 easy. :D

I'm a late comer and a slow learner, to carry on will only give me more pleasure and control in a well known sandbox. (Tried a bit in NV, but indeed the NV Geck isn't cooperative at all).


The ability of modding 4 will, of course, influence greatly the amplitude of the crowd movement and the tempo of the flow back, but I believe it will follow this pattern. Many elements are similar to what happened when Sims3 went out.


What ever FO4 will be made of, there will be after a time (long if the game is mind blowing, short if it's a fail)

a quite significant coming back from people nostalgic of DC Wasteland.

(I've written it down here so I can see, in future, if I have psychic power or some deduction abilities of if I was purely speculating instead of modding...) :geek:

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Stumbled late on FO3/NV but really like the general upward flow compared to TES 3-4. Love modding on all of them progressively if TES 3 was worst. And Oblivion is just a stubborn kind of love. Sort of a good fallback middleman for the fantasy, whereas FO3 is good middle for sci/fi. I have not played Skyrim yet but I'm still surprised so many people are still playing and modding its predecessor. I've seen some great things going on there (Oblivion) as of late. Sorry, but I'm not as much in the "know" for what's current in FO now but just thought I'd like to report from the other spectrum.

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I think I will continue to play and mod F3 (but in TTW) and NV. I love both games a lot, and there is still endless things I want to do to get the perfect modded game for me. I wish there was tools to more easily port work between the two games because I would do more with FO3. But I can't be arsed to do work twice...


I'm not sure if I want to mod FO4 yet, it remains to be seen what engine it is and how easy it will be to transition. The scripting for papyrus is more attractive to me because it doesn't use a mishmash of ancient languages and is more standardized. If FO4 is the same, minus the persistent script problem... that will be attractive to me. If it's a continuation of Creation Engine then it shouldn't be too hard to move up... but it all depends on the game for me. So far it looks promising from the very little we've seen, but Beth does listen and pay attention to what we like. Hopefully they paid attention to the top mods on the nexus in the last couple of years to get an idea of what we want to see.

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FO3 nexus has been pretty quiet for a while now, sure the 4 news will have some people people coming back but not that much influx (presumably).


Ofc I will return to it when I get sick of FO4 just as I occasionally have a play with Oblivion...having said that I posted IW not that long ago which was a very long project which I chipped away at when I got bored with all my games, and now its the highest rated weapon mod here for that game so never say never I guess.


As for playability FO3 beats FNV hands down imo due to the superior atmosphere, its makes a world of difference! Hope they favoured this direction for the new one.

Edited by Ironman5000
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The color and art style of Fallout 4 looks sooooooo much less depressing than its two predecessors. I have no intention of ever looking back. The Fallout 4 art looks amazing, and it will give me the chance to actually challenge my own potential as an artist.


I have zero intention of modding games late in their life cycle.






Step 1: From now until Fallout 4 is released, make as many high quality, next gen, assets to fit into the Fallout 4 world. Modular weapons, modular power armor, modular pieces to build settlements, custom companion hair and outfits. I will have them sitting there, completed and ready to be imported as soon as modding tools are made available.


I will also be writing stories, tons of interactive npc and companion dialogue, and getting all the voice overs recorded and ready to be put into the game.


Step 2: Once Fallout 4 is released I will play the game... a lot... and the whole time I am playing I will be looking for ways to add mode dialogue and options to what my companions have in a way to tie it into what the story of Fallout 4 is. I will adjust models and make new assets that I think could benefit what I saw during my playthroughs of the game, getting them all ready and waiting for the release of the Fallout 4 GECK.


Step 3: Once the Fallout 4 GECK is released, work day and night importing all my assets, dialogue, voice overs, and quests into the game and working as soon as possible, trying to release my mod as early into the games life cycle as possible, hopefully before Bethesda even gets their second DLC finished (assuming they release the GECK around the time of the first DLC).

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With a gaming/modding computer I refuse to connect to Internet and XP (!) as OS, FO4 is not for me.

I feel that FO4 will not be as easy as FO3 to mod. Besides a different engine to we don't know the limitations for modding of, I guess there will be other "surprises" that will make a difference.


Because of that and maybe the unbeatable atmosphere of FO3, I'm now convinced there will be a reflux of modders after a few months. (Maybe its only an unconscious hope...)


In any case, I'll be waiting for you, guys! :D (and hope you'll have fun!)

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With a gaming/modding computer I refuse to connect to Internet and XP (!) as OS, FO4 is not for me.

I feel that FO4 will not be as easy as FO3 to mod. Besides a different engine to we don't know the limitations for modding of, I guess there will be other "surprises" that will make a difference.


Because of that and maybe the unbeatable atmosphere of FO3, I'm now convinced there will be a reflux of modders after a few months. (Maybe its only an unconscious hope...)


In any case, I'll be waiting for you, guys! :D (and hope you'll have fun!)


Next gen gaming is never going to be as easy, the better rendering engines leave a lot less margin for error for a modder who is making new armors or weapons or environments.


As an environment artist, modders will now have to make sure their environments are modular and can fit to the custom settlements players make. Weapon and armor modelers will also have to make sure their parts are modular and their weapon can be upgraded with the hundreds of upgrades now in Fallout 4.


Most of all, however, people making Power Armor will now have to make sure it is able to come apart for the animation when the player enters it.


The fact that the player character now has a voice, means there will be a high demand for voice actors that can mimic the player character's male and female voices... that doubles the amount of voice overs I have to record...




But I look forward to the new challenge, that is what will keep my skills on the level of modern games, and not as a relic of the past. I don't want to become rusty or complacent, I want to make sure I am always at the level of current game design.


Tools like Zbrush have become so advanced that us 3d modelers now just have to click one button and BOOM! we have a perfect low poly model with perftect UV unwrapping... That was a weeks worth of work when I first started doing 3d modeling, now in a few button clicks. As certain things get easier, we have to push ourselves to do more with what we have.


We have to create the future!



Unite and join me!


Fallout 4! Fallout 4! Fallout 4!

Edited by Tony the Wookie
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