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Glow Map for a Face?


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Hi all.


I've tried just about everything I can think of so hopefully someone might be able to help me out or point me in the right direction?


The idea behind my mod is Charon with glowing skin a la a Glowing One. Ideally this would be for after Broken Steel if you have Charon go in the reactor, but right now I'm just working at square one: Getting skin (any kind, doesn't matter) to glow where I need it to via a glow map. Sadly, it's not working.


For anything else glow maps are pretty easy. For example, I can get one for eyes to work fine. Glow map on other items is a simple matter too. Black and white texture, ends in _g, placed into the texture set in nifskope. Emmisive set to white/higher than black. EmitMulti is set at 1.


However, for the head it seems to be a problem and I just don't know why. Is there something in the .nif file that I need to set so that it will actually accept the glow map I place on it? The shader type? Shader flags? I've tried replacing the skin (_sk) map with the _g map to see if that worked, but nothing. I don't believe there's a way to create a texture set in GECK for a character head like you can for clothing or items either.



Setting the emmisive to white or any color just makes the whole object glow. This happens with or without a glow map. Toning it down gives a slightly better look, but it's not what I'm going for.


I know in Fallout New Vegas they had Jason Bright, but his glowing one traits were actually a product of the clothes he wore. For Charon I'd still like him to wear different armors and such, so I'd rather not use that workaround.


Can anyone help or know someone who could help?

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Thanks for the reply!


I thought perhaps it had something to do with that, but I can't seem to find a way to make it happen in Nifskope. I'm not very experienced with it so I may just be looking in the wrong spot.


So far I've tried changing the BSShaderType from Shader_Skin to Shader_Default but nothing changed in game. I also took out the skin map from the texture paths. There were a lot of options under Shader Flags and I've been messing around with those to see what changes come up. Most either seemingly do nothing or end up making the mesh invisible in game.



Know what I'm doing wrong?

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