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The colour black comes from radiation-absorbive "blackbodies" These absorb light like a Stealth Bomber absorbing radar waves, bet you just noticed you were wearing some item of black clothing or using a black object. Black is the coolest of all "colours" if only because of how you get it.


The most common general phobia is arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. For many, the size of the arachnid generaly increases the fear factor. Ironicaly however, recent research has found that the spiders that cause the greatest arachnophbic response are typicaly those that are the least harmful to humans, in order, Tarantulas(Theraphosa) Wolf Spiders(Lycosidae) and finaly, and a suprising mention, Salticidae(Jumping Spiders)


Sadly for arachnophobes, these are the three most dominant species groups of all spiders.


Salticidae is the species overgroup from which all Jumping Spiders come. A Jumping Spider is a small spider about as an adult's fingernail. Salticidae are most renowned for their bright colouring, astonishing eyesight, ability to leap like a flea, and most of all their intelligence. Salticidae are known to use tactics-in an eperiment in the late '90s, researchers tested a Salticidae spider in all kinds of encounteres with predators and prey, including those it would never meet in the wild, and the Saltey consistantly proved capable of problem solving, sitting back and observing, while avoiding what it saw as primary threats. When faced with an acid-spitting Bombardier beetle, it witnessed the acid spray, and from then on always approached bombardier beetles from behind, negating the sprayers. Against it's prey, it relied on their poor eyesight, lying perfectly still under a leaf it was dragging around, using it like a sniper's Ghilliesuit, and only moving while the wind was blowing. Fianly, Salticidae is the most common genus of spider on earth, it comprises the only known herbivore-spider(baaghera kipling) and species have even been found at the top of Mt Everest. You cant escape the Salties.


Tarantulas are the most commonly held fear on the planet. They are however, on the scientific roster, also the least harmful to a human. A few scattered species exist that are particularly agressive or venomous, but of the thousand ore so known species of Tarantula, only 2 deaths have ever been reported, both very sick old men, bitten by the only species known to carry potentialy fatal venom. Tarantulas, despite their appearance as enormous, well-built, heavily armoured monstrosities with gargantuan(sometimes two-inch or longer) fangs, Tarantulas are docile creatures, that only bite rarely. If threatened, a Tarantula uses a very effective "threat-posture" to intimidate it's harrasser away. Should this fail, most will simply flee underground or hide, the Australian Barking Spider and Chinese Bird Spider however, are known to bite at this point, and their bites are dangerous.


Relatively speaking, spiders are hugely intelligent compared to other creatures their size, relative to body size, a Spider's brain is the equivalent a human having a brain the size of their entire ribcage, science has proven many speices capable of learning and problem solving to an amazing degree, aswell as acts of true cunning, and the ability to come up with new tactics to confront new threats, though the pace of a spider's thoughts seems to be measured and somewhat cautious, even slow, they should not be underestimated, as a slow mind can still be a genius mind.




Pic related, Red-Knee'd Tarantula in life size. Found throughout Mexico, the Red-Knee is a typical Tarantula. Long lived, intelligent, and with a burrow-dwelling lifestyle, they're widely feared, but with no reason, as the Red-Knee's venom is less powerful than a beesting, and causes localised pain, and sometimes very mild dizziness, fading quickly within a few hours or days.

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Hmmm Black is a shade not a colour.


Fact psn has been down for a record 2 weekshttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gifhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gifhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gifhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif

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Motor racing started virtualy the moment we invented motors. However, whereas in the modern era, competition is between corporately sponsored teams, early races were national competitions, mainly waged between Italy, Germany, Brittain, and France. This is why so mamny Italian cars are red, and why Audis and Mercedes-Benz are almost universaly silver-each nation had it's colours, still used in nation motorsport, as follows:


England: Dark grey-green, sometimes with a mewtallic gold stripe.


Germany: Silver, or even unpainted metal.


America: White with dark blue stripes.


Canada: White with green or red stripes.


Italy: Bright fire engine red.


Japan: White with a red disc on the hood.


Australia: Dark green with metallic gold hood.


Jordan: Brown all over/


France: Blue with white highlights.


Scotland: Dark blue, white trim.


And the snazziest of them all, Luxembourg: Red left side, light blue right side, white stripe down the middle, red wheel rims.



Red means Italy in the world of motor racing, but it's also a warning: on the track, you dont mess with people in silver or red cars.

Edited by Vindekarr
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The footsteps on the moon will still be there when Ramada decides to build a hotel up there.


There is no I in team but there is one in winning, two in fact.


The first coin-operated machine ever designed was a holy-water dispenser that required a 5-drachma piece to operate. It was the brainchild of the Greek scientist Hero in the first century A.D.


Captain Kangaroo, starring Bob Keeshan, was the first TV network kids’ show in the United States. CBS launched it in 1954.


After being forced by church officials to state in public that the earth does not rotate, Galileo is said to have muttered under his breath, "But it does move."

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